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1   package net.obsearch.pivots.kmeans.impl;
3   import java.util.Arrays;
4   import java.util.Random;
6   import net.obsearch.Index;
7   import net.obsearch.OB;
8   import net.obsearch.exception.OBException;
9   import net.obsearch.exception.OBStorageException;
10  import net.obsearch.exception.PivotsUnavailableException;
11  import net.obsearch.index.utils.OBRandom;
12  import net.obsearch.pivots.AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector;
13  import net.obsearch.pivots.PivotResult;
14  import net.obsearch.pivots.Pivotable;
16  import net.obsearch.ob.OBByte;
17  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
19  import cern.colt.list.IntArrayList;
20  import cern.colt.list.LongArrayList;
22  import;
24  /*
25   OBSearch: a distributed similarity search engine
26   This project is to similarity search what 'bit-torrent' is to downloads.
27   Copyright (C)  2007 Arnoldo Jose Muller Molina
29   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
30   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
31   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
32   (at your option) any later version.
34   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
35   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
37   GNU General Public License for more details.
39   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
40   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
41   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.   
42   */
43  /**
44   * This pivot selector uses k-means++ to select "good" centers.
45   * @param <O>
46   *            Type of object of the index to be analyzed.
47   * @author Arnoldo Jose Muller Molina
48   * @since 0.8
49   */
50  //*************************************************************************
51  //****** Warning: this is a generated file ********************************
52  //****** The source file is:    
53  //*************************************************************************
54  public class IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorByte<O extends OBByte> extends AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector<O>
55           {
57      private int retries = 3;
58      /**
59       * Logger.
60       */
61      private static final transient Logger logger = Logger
62              .getLogger(IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorByte.class);
64      /**
65       * Creates a new IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorByte that will accept pivots
66       * accepted by pivotable and will use index as the source of data.
67       * @param index Index used to load and search objects
68       * @param pivotable Object used to determine which objects are suitable for being pivots.
69       */
70      public IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorByte(Pivotable<O> pivotable){
71          super(pivotable);
72      }
76      public PivotResult generatePivots(int pivotsCount, LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index) throws OBException,
77      IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, OBStorageException,
78      PivotsUnavailableException
79      {
80          long centroidIds[] = null;
81          // we need to prepare the index for freezing!
82          int k = pivotsCount;
83          double potential = 0;
84          int databaseSize = max(elements,index);
85          centroidIds = new long[k]; // keep track of the selected centroids
86          byte[] closestDistances = new byte[databaseSize];
87          OBRandom r = new OBRandom();
89          // Randomly select one center
90          int ind;
91          int currentCenter = 0;
92          O currentObject;
93          do{
94              ind = r.nextInt(databaseSize);
95              centroidIds[currentCenter] = ind;
96              currentObject = getObject(centroidIds[currentCenter], elements, index);
97          }while(! pivotable.canBeUsedAsPivot(currentObject));
99          int i = 0;
100         while (i < databaseSize) {
101             O toCompare = getObject(i, elements, index);
102             closestDistances[i] = currentObject.distance( toCompare);
103             potential += closestDistances[i];
104             i++;
105         }
106         logger.debug("Found first pivot! " + Arrays.toString(centroidIds));
108         // Choose the remaining k-1 centers
109         int centerCount = 1;
110         while (centerCount < k) {
111             logger.debug("Finding pivot: " + centerCount + " : " + Arrays.toString(centroidIds));
112             // Repeat several times
113             double bestPotential = -1;
114             int bestIndex = -1;
115             for (int retry = 0; retry < retries; retry++) {
117                 // choose the new center
118                 double probability = r.nextFloat() * potential;
119                 O tempB = null; 
120                 for (ind = 0; ind < databaseSize ; ind++) {
121                     if (contains(ind, centroidIds, centerCount)) {
122                         continue;
123                     }
124                     if (probability <= closestDistances[ind]){
125                         tempB = getObject(ind, elements, index);
126                         if(pivotable.canBeUsedAsPivot(tempB)){
127                             break;
128                         }
129                     }
131                     probability -= closestDistances[ind];
132                 }
133                 if(tempB == null){
134                     throw new PivotsUnavailableException();
135                 }
136                 // Compute the new potential
137                 byte newPotential = 0;
139                 for (i = 0; i < databaseSize ; i++) {
140                     if (contains(ind, centroidIds, centerCount)) {
141                         continue;
142                     }
143                     O tempA = getObject(i, elements, index);
144                     assert tempA != null;
145                     assert tempB != null;
146                     newPotential += Math.min(tempA.distance( tempB),
147                             closestDistances[i]);
148                 }
150                 // Store the best result
151                 if (bestPotential < 0 || newPotential < bestPotential) {
152                     bestPotential = newPotential;
153                     bestIndex = ind;
154                 }
155             }
156             // make sure that the same center is not found
157             assert !contains(bestIndex, centroidIds, centerCount);
159             // store the new best index
160             centroidIds[centerCount] = bestIndex;
162             potential = bestPotential;
163             O tempB = getObject(bestIndex,elements, index);
164             for (i = 0; i < databaseSize; i++) {
165                 if (contains(ind, centroidIds, centerCount)) {
166                     continue;
167                 }
168                 O tempA = getObject(i, elements, index);
169                 closestDistances[i] = (byte)Math.min(tempA.distance( tempB),
170                         closestDistances[i]);
171             }                        
172             centerCount++;
173         }        
174         // store the pivots
175         return new PivotResult(centroidIds);
176     }
178     /**
179      * Returns true if id is in the array ids performs the operation up to max
180      * (inclusive) if max is 0 this function always returns false.
181      * @param id
182      *            an identification
183      * @param ids
184      *            a list of numbers
185      * @param max
186      *            the maximum point that we will process
187      * @return true if id is in the array ids
188      */
189     private boolean contains(final long id, final long[] ids, final int max) {
190         int i = 0;
191         if (max == 0) {
192             return false;
193         }
194         while (i < ids.length && i <= max) {
195             if (ids[i] == id) {
196                 return true;
197             }
198             i++;
199         }
200         return false;
201     }
203     public int getRetries() {
204         return retries;
205     }
207     public void setRetries(int retries) {
208         this.retries = retries;
209     }
211 }