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1   package net.obsearch.index.ghs;
3   /**
4    * This data structure simulates a priority queue of objects sorted by their
5    * distance to some other object.
6    * It assumes several things for performance reasons:
7    * 1)Distances are discrete. 
8    * 2) Objects to be stored are longs
9    * 3) The maximum distance value is a value m that is very small (64 for example :)).
10   * This priority queue uses a lot of memory if queueSize is too large. 
11   * 
12   * @author Arnoldo Jose Muller Molina
13   *
14   */
15  public final class FastPriorityQueueLong {
17  	private long[][] data;
18  	private int[] counts;
19  	private final int queueSize;
20  	/**
21  	 * Creates the queue
22  	 * @param maxDistance maximum distance that will be inserted in the queue. (from 0 to maxDistance)
23  	 * @param queueSize size of the queue (number of closest elements to be obtained).
24  	 */
25  	public FastPriorityQueueLong(int maxDistance, int queueSize){
26  		maxDistance++;
27  		data = new long[maxDistance][queueSize];
28  		counts = new int[maxDistance];
29  		this.queueSize = queueSize;
30  	}
32  	/**
33  	 * Add an object that is at a certain distance.
34  	 * @param object the object to add
35  	 * @param distance the distance of the object.
36  	 */
37  	public void add(long object, int distance){
38  		int index = counts[distance];
39  		if(index < queueSize){
40  			data[distance][index] = object;
41  			counts[distance]++;
42  		}
43  	}
45  	/**
46  	 * Return the closest long objects
47  	 * We do not include the original distances to reduce
48  	 * the creation of objects.
49  	 * @return the closest long objects
50  	 */
51  	public long[] get(){
52  		int total = 0;
53  		for(int c : counts){
54  			total += c;
55  		}
56  		total = Math.min(total, queueSize);
57  		long[] result = new long[total];
58  		int i1 = 0;
60  		int resi = 0;
61  		while(i1 < data.length && resi < total){
62  			int i2 = 0;
63  			while(i2 < counts[i1] && resi < total){
64  				result[resi] = data[i1][i2];
65  				resi++;
66  				i2++;
67  			}
68  			i1++;
69  		}
70  		return result;		
71  	}
73  }