Uses of Class

Packages that use OperationStatus
net.obsearch Provides the main interfaces of OBSearch. 

Uses of OperationStatus in net.obsearch

Methods in net.obsearch that return OperationStatus
 OperationStatus Index.delete(O object)
          Deletes the given object from the database.
 OperationStatus Index.exists(O object)
          Returns true if the given object exists in the database.
 OperationStatus Index.insert(O object)
          Inserts the given object into the index.
 OperationStatus Index.insert(O object, long id)
          Inserts the given object into the index.
 OperationStatus Index.insertBulk(O object)
          Inserts the given object into the index.
 OperationStatus Index.insertBulk(O object, long id)
          Inserts the given object into the index.

Uses of OperationStatus in net.obsearch.index

Methods in net.obsearch.index that return OperationStatus
 OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.delete(O object)
protected abstract  OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.deleteAux(O object)
          Deletes the entry of this object in the index.
protected  OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.findAux(O object)
          Find the Id of the given object.
 OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.insert(O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.insert(O object, long id)
protected abstract  OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.insertAux(long id, O object)
          Inserts the given object into the particular index.
protected abstract  OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.insertAuxBulk(long id, O object)
          Inserts the given object into the particular index.
 OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.insertBulk(O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.insertBulk(O object, long id)

Uses of OperationStatus in net.obsearch.index.aesa

Methods in net.obsearch.index.aesa that return OperationStatus
 OperationStatus AbstractAESA.insert(O object)

Uses of OperationStatus in net.obsearch.index.aesa.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.index.aesa.impl that return OperationStatus
 OperationStatus AesaFloat.delete(O object)
 OperationStatus AesaFloat.exists(O object)
 OperationStatus AesaFloat.insert(O object, long id)
 OperationStatus AesaFloat.insertBulk(O object)
 OperationStatus AesaFloat.insertBulk(O object, long id)

Uses of OperationStatus in net.obsearch.index.bucket

Methods in net.obsearch.index.bucket that return OperationStatus
 OperationStatus BucketContainer.delete(B bucket, O object)
          Deletes the given object from this BucketContainer.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketIndex.deleteAux(O object)
 OperationStatus BucketContainer.exists(B bucket, O object)
          Returns true if the object and its bucket definition exist in this container
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketIndex.exists(O object)
 OperationStatus BucketContainer.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Inserts the given object with the given bucket details to this bucket.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketIndex.insertAux(long id, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketIndex.insertAuxBulk(long id, O object)
protected  OperationStatus AbstractBucketIndex.insertBucket(B b, O object)
          Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device.
protected  OperationStatus AbstractBucketIndex.insertBucketBulk(B b, O object)
          Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device.
 OperationStatus BucketContainer.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Inserts the given object with the given bucket details to this bucket.

Uses of OperationStatus in net.obsearch.index.bucket.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.index.bucket.impl that return OperationStatus
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerByte.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerInt.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerShort.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerDouble.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerFloat.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerLong.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerByte.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerInt.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerShort.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerDouble.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerFloat.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerLong.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerByte.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerInt.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerShort.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerDouble.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerFloat.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerLong.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerByte.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerInt.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerShort.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerDouble.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerFloat.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerLong.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.

Uses of OperationStatus in net.obsearch.index.bucket.sleek

Methods in net.obsearch.index.bucket.sleek that return OperationStatus
 OperationStatus SleekBucketByte.delete(BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketDouble.delete(BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketFloat.delete(BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketInt.delete(BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketLong.delete(BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketShort.delete(BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketByte.exists(BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketDouble.exists(BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketFloat.exists(BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketInt.exists(BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketLong.exists(BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketShort.exists(BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketByte.insert(BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketDouble.insert(BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketFloat.insert(BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketInt.insert(BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketLong.insert(BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketShort.insert(BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketByte.insertBulk(BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketDouble.insertBulk(BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketFloat.insertBulk(BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketInt.insertBulk(BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketLong.insertBulk(BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketShort.insertBulk(BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, O object)

Uses of OperationStatus in net.obsearch.index.sorter

Methods in net.obsearch.index.sorter that return OperationStatus
protected  OperationStatus AbstractBucketSorter.insertBucket(B b, O object)
          Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device.
protected  OperationStatus AbstractBucketSorter.insertBucketBulk(B b, O object)
          Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device.

Uses of OperationStatus in

Methods in that return OperationStatus
 OperationStatus OBStoreByte.delete(byte key)
          Deletes the given key and its corresponding value from the database.
 OperationStatus OBStore.delete(byte[] key)
          Deletes the given key and its corresponding value from the database.
 OperationStatus OBStoreDouble.delete(double key)
          Deletes the given key and its corresponding value from the database.
 OperationStatus OBStoreFloat.delete(float key)
          Deletes the given key and its corresponding value from the database.
 OperationStatus OBStoreInt.delete(int key)
          Deletes the given key and its corresponding value from the database.
 OperationStatus OBStoreLong.delete(long key)
          Deletes the given key and its corresponding value from the database.
 OperationStatus OBStoreShort.delete(short key)
          Deletes the given key and its corresponding value from the database.
 OperationStatus OBStore.put(byte[] key, byte[] value)
          Inserts the key value pair.
 OperationStatus OBStoreByte.put(byte key, byte[] value)
          Inserts the key value pair.
 OperationStatus OBStoreDouble.put(double key, byte[] value)
          Inserts the key value pair.
 OperationStatus OBStoreFloat.put(float key, byte[] value)
          Inserts the key value pair.
 OperationStatus OBStoreInt.put(int key, byte[] value)
          Inserts the key value pair.
 OperationStatus OBStoreLong.put(long key, byte[] value)
          Inserts the key value pair.
 OperationStatus OBStoreShort.put(short key, byte[] value)
          Inserts the key value pair.

Uses of OperationStatus in

Methods in that return OperationStatus
 OperationStatus BDBOBStoreJeByte.delete(byte key)
 OperationStatus AbstractBDBOBStoreJe.delete(byte[] key)
 OperationStatus BDBOBStoreJeDouble.delete(double key)
 OperationStatus BDBOBStoreJeFloat.delete(float key)
 OperationStatus BDBOBStoreJeInt.delete(int key)
 OperationStatus BDBOBStoreJeLong.delete(long key)
 OperationStatus BDBOBStoreJeShort.delete(short key)
 OperationStatus AbstractBDBOBStoreJe.put(byte[] key, byte[] value)
 OperationStatus BDBOBStoreJeByte.put(byte key, byte[] value)
 OperationStatus BDBOBStoreJeDouble.put(double key, byte[] value)
 OperationStatus BDBOBStoreJeFloat.put(float key, byte[] value)
 OperationStatus BDBOBStoreJeInt.put(int key, byte[] value)
 OperationStatus BDBOBStoreJeLong.put(long key, byte[] value)
 OperationStatus BDBOBStoreJeShort.put(short key, byte[] value)
 OperationStatus AbstractBDBOBStoreJe.putIfNew(byte[] key, byte[] value)

Uses of OperationStatus in

Methods in that return OperationStatus
 OperationStatus AbstractTCOBStorage.delete(byte[] key)
 OperationStatus TCOBStorageLong.delete(long key)
 OperationStatus AbstractTCOBStorage.put(byte[] key, byte[] value)
 OperationStatus TCOBStorageLong.put(long key, byte[] value)
 OperationStatus AbstractTCOBStorage.putIfNew(byte[] key, byte[] value)

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