Uses of Interface

Packages that use IndexFloat

Uses of IndexFloat in net.obsearch.index

Fields in net.obsearch.index declared as IndexFloat
protected  IndexFloat<O> TestFrameworkFloat.index

Methods in net.obsearch.index with parameters of type IndexFloat
static float[] CommonsFloat.fullMatchLite(OBFloat query, boolean filterSame, IndexFloat index)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 void<O> index, float range, byte k)
          Perform all the searches with
 void<O> index, float range, byte k)
          Perform all the searches with
 void TestFrameworkFloat.searchSequential(O o, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result, IndexFloat<O> index, float range)
          Sequential search.
static void IndexUtilsFloat.validateResults(List<OBQueryFloat> queries, IndexFloat index)

Constructors in net.obsearch.index with parameters of type IndexFloat
TestFrameworkApproxFloat(Class<O> type, int dbSize, int querySize, IndexFloat<O> index)
TestFrameworkFloat(Class<O> type, int dbSize, int querySize, IndexFloat<O> index)
          Create a new test with a DB size of dbSize and a query size of querySize.
VectorTestFrameworkApproxFloat(int vectorDimensionality, int dbSize, int querySize, IndexFloat<OBVectorFloat> index)
VectorTestFrameworkFloat(int vectorDimensionality, int dbSize, int querySize, IndexFloat<OBVectorFloat> index)

Uses of IndexFloat in net.obsearch.index.aesa.impl

Classes in net.obsearch.index.aesa.impl that implement IndexFloat
 class AesaFloat<O extends OBFloat>

Uses of IndexFloat in net.obsearch.index.ghs.impl

Classes in net.obsearch.index.ghs.impl that implement IndexFloat
 class Sketch64Float<O extends OBFloat>

Uses of IndexFloat in net.obsearch.index.perm.impl

Classes in net.obsearch.index.perm.impl that implement IndexFloat
 class DistPermFloat<O extends OBFloat>

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