Uses of Class

Packages that use OBPriorityQueueDouble

Uses of OBPriorityQueueDouble in net.obsearch.index

Methods in net.obsearch.index with parameters of type OBPriorityQueueDouble
 void IndexDouble.searchOB(O object, double r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexDouble.searchOB(O object, double r, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void TestFrameworkDouble.searchSequential(O o, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result, IndexDouble<O> index, double range)
          Sequential search.

Uses of OBPriorityQueueDouble in net.obsearch.index.ghs.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.index.ghs.impl with parameters of type OBPriorityQueueDouble
 void Sketch64Double.searchOB(O object, double r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
 void Sketch64Double.searchOB(O object, double r, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)

Uses of OBPriorityQueueDouble in net.obsearch.index.perm.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.index.perm.impl with parameters of type OBPriorityQueueDouble
 void DistPermDouble.searchOB(O object, double r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
 void DistPermDouble.searchOB(O object, double r, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)

Uses of OBPriorityQueueDouble in net.obsearch.query

Fields in net.obsearch.query declared as OBPriorityQueueDouble
protected  OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> OBQueryDouble.result
          Holds the results for the query.

Methods in net.obsearch.query that return OBPriorityQueueDouble
 OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> OBQueryDouble.getResult()

Methods in net.obsearch.query with parameters of type OBPriorityQueueDouble
 void OBQueryDouble.setResult(OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
          Set the results of the matching to a new object.

Constructors in net.obsearch.query with parameters of type OBPriorityQueueDouble
OBQueryDouble(O object, double range, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
          Creates a new OBQueryDouble object.
OBQueryDouble(O object, double range, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result, double[] smap)
          Creates a new OBQueryDouble object.
OBQueryDouble(O object, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)

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