Uses of Class

Packages that use OBResultShort
net.obsearch.index.utils Provides some utility classes used by the Index implementations. 

Uses of OBResultShort in net.obsearch.index.utils

Method parameters in net.obsearch.index.utils with type arguments of type OBResultShort
protected  String IndexSmokeTUtil.debug(Iterator<OBResultShort<O>> it, Index<O> index)
          Prints debug info for the given priority queue.
 double IndexSmokeTUtilApprox.ep(OBPriorityQueueShort<O> x1, List<OBResultShort<O>> db, IndexShort<O> index)
 boolean IndexSmokeTUtilApprox.isApproxZero(OBPriorityQueueShort<O> x1, List<OBResultShort<O>> db, short range)
          If x1 (query) returned zero results but db had results, this function returns true.
 boolean IndexSmokeTUtilApprox.ok(OBPriorityQueueShort<O> x1, List<OBResultShort<O>> db, short range)
 double IndexSmokeTUtilApprox.recall(OBPriorityQueueShort<O> x1, List<OBResultShort<O>> db, int k, short range)
 void IndexSmokeTUtilApprox.searchSequential(long max, O o, ArrayList<OBResultShort<O>> result, IndexShort<O> index, short range)
          Sequential search.
 boolean IndexSmokeTUtilApprox.zeroResults(List<OBResultShort<O>> db, short range)

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