Uses of Interface

Packages that use Index
net.obsearch.index.utils Provides some utility classes used by the Index implementations. 

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.ambient

Classes in net.obsearch.ambient with type parameters of type Index
 class AbstractAmbient<O extends OB,I extends Index<O>>
          An Ambient is the class that surrounds the index, its metadata and the storage devices.
 interface Ambient<O extends OB,I extends Index<O>>

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.ambient.bdb

Classes in net.obsearch.ambient.bdb with type parameters of type Index
 class AmbientBDBJe<O extends OB,I extends Index<O>>
          AmbientBDB creates an ambient based on the Berkeley DB storage sub-system.

Uses of Index in

Classes in with type parameters of type Index
 class AmbientTC<O extends OB,I extends Index<O>>

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.dimension

Methods in net.obsearch.dimension with parameters of type Index
static byte[] DimensionByte.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBByte> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static double[] DimensionDouble.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBDouble> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static float[] DimensionFloat.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBFloat> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static int[] DimensionInt.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBInt> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static long[] DimensionLong.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBLong> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static short[] DimensionShort.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBShort> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static DimensionByte[] DimensionByte.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBByte> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionDouble[] DimensionDouble.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBDouble> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionFloat[] DimensionFloat.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBFloat> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionInt[] DimensionInt.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBInt> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionLong[] DimensionLong.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBLong> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionShort[] DimensionShort.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBShort> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static int AbstractDimension.max(cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index index)
          Returns the max # of elements.
static byte DimensionByte.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBByte> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static double DimensionDouble.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBDouble> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static float DimensionFloat.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBFloat> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static int DimensionInt.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBInt> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static long DimensionLong.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBLong> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static short DimensionShort.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBShort> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OB> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBByte> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, byte minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBDouble> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, double minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBFloat> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, float minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBInt> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, int minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBLong> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, long minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBShort> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, short minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.index

Subinterfaces of Index in net.obsearch.index
 interface IndexByte<O extends OBByte>
          An Index interface for distance functions that return Bytes.
 interface IndexDouble<O extends OBDouble>
          An Index interface for distance functions that return Doubles.
 interface IndexFloat<O extends OBFloat>
          An Index interface for distance functions that return Floats.
 interface IndexInt<O extends OBInt>
          An Index interface for distance functions that return Ints.
 interface IndexLong<O extends OBLong>
          An Index interface for distance functions that return Longs.
 interface IndexShort<O extends OBShort>
          An Index interface for distance functions that return Shorts.

Classes in net.obsearch.index that implement Index
 class AbstractOBIndex<O extends OB>
          AbstractOBIndex contains functionality regarding object storage.

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.index.aesa.impl

Classes in net.obsearch.index.aesa.impl that implement Index
 class AesaFloat<O extends OBFloat>

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.index.bucket

Classes in net.obsearch.index.bucket that implement Index
 class AbstractBucketIndex<O extends OB,B extends BucketObject,Q,BC extends BucketContainer<O,B,Q>>

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.index.bucket.impl

Constructors in net.obsearch.index.bucket.impl with parameters of type Index
AbstractBucketContainerByte(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key)
          Build a new container for bytes over the given index, with the given pivot number and a certain storage device where all the smap vectors are stored.
AbstractBucketContainerByte(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key, int secondaryIndexPivot)
          Build a new container for bytes over the given index, with the given pivot number and a certain storage device where all the smap vectors are stored.
AbstractBucketContainerDouble(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key)
          Build a new container for doubles over the given index, with the given pivot number and a certain storage device where all the smap vectors are stored.
AbstractBucketContainerDouble(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key, int secondaryIndexPivot)
          Build a new container for doubles over the given index, with the given pivot number and a certain storage device where all the smap vectors are stored.
AbstractBucketContainerFloat(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key)
          Build a new container for floats over the given index, with the given pivot number and a certain storage device where all the smap vectors are stored.
AbstractBucketContainerFloat(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key, int secondaryIndexPivot)
          Build a new container for floats over the given index, with the given pivot number and a certain storage device where all the smap vectors are stored.
AbstractBucketContainerInt(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key)
          Build a new container for ints over the given index, with the given pivot number and a certain storage device where all the smap vectors are stored.
AbstractBucketContainerInt(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key, int secondaryIndexPivot)
          Build a new container for ints over the given index, with the given pivot number and a certain storage device where all the smap vectors are stored.
AbstractBucketContainerLong(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key)
          Build a new container for longs over the given index, with the given pivot number and a certain storage device where all the smap vectors are stored.
AbstractBucketContainerLong(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key, int secondaryIndexPivot)
          Build a new container for longs over the given index, with the given pivot number and a certain storage device where all the smap vectors are stored.
AbstractBucketContainerShort(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key)
          Build a new container for shorts over the given index, with the given pivot number and a certain storage device where all the smap vectors are stored.
AbstractBucketContainerShort(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key, int secondaryIndexPivot)
          Build a new container for shorts over the given index, with the given pivot number and a certain storage device where all the smap vectors are stored.
BucketContainerByte(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key)
BucketContainerByte(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key, int secondaryIndexPivot)
BucketContainerDouble(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key)
BucketContainerDouble(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key, int secondaryIndexPivot)
BucketContainerFloat(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key)
BucketContainerFloat(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key, int secondaryIndexPivot)
BucketContainerInt(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key)
BucketContainerInt(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key, int secondaryIndexPivot)
BucketContainerLong(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key)
BucketContainerLong(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key, int secondaryIndexPivot)
BucketContainerShort(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key)
BucketContainerShort(Index<O> index, int pivots, OBStore<TupleBytes> storage, byte[] key, int secondaryIndexPivot)

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.index.ghs

Classes in net.obsearch.index.ghs that implement Index
 class AbstractSketch64<O extends OB,B extends BucketObject<O>,Q,BC extends BucketContainer<O,B,Q>>
          AbstractSketch64 encapsulates functionality common to a Sketch.

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.index.ghs.impl

Classes in net.obsearch.index.ghs.impl that implement Index
 class Sketch64Byte<O extends OBByte>
 class Sketch64Double<O extends OBDouble>
 class Sketch64Float<O extends OBFloat>
 class Sketch64Int<O extends OBInt>
 class Sketch64Long<O extends OBLong>
 class Sketch64Short<O extends OBShort>

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.index.perm

Classes in net.obsearch.index.perm that implement Index
 class AbstractDistancePermutations<O extends OB,B extends BucketObject<O>,Q,BC extends BucketContainer<O,B,Q>>
 class AbstractDistPerm<O extends OB,B extends BucketObject<O>,Q,BC extends BucketContainer<O,B,Q>>

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.index.perm.impl

Classes in net.obsearch.index.perm.impl that implement Index
 class DistPermByte<O extends OBByte>
 class DistPermDouble<O extends OBDouble>
 class DistPermFloat<O extends OBFloat>
 class DistPermInt<O extends OBInt>
 class DistPermLong<O extends OBLong>
 class DistPermShort<O extends OBShort>

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.index.pivot

Classes in net.obsearch.index.pivot that implement Index
 class AbstractPivotOBIndex<O extends OB>
          AbstractPivotOBIndex defines abstract functionality for an index that uses n pivots to partition the data into more tractable subsets.

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.index.sorter

Classes in net.obsearch.index.sorter that implement Index
 class AbstractBucketSorter<O extends OB,B extends BucketObject<O>,Q,BC extends BucketContainer<O,B,Q>,P extends Projection<P,CP>,CP>

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.index.utils

Classes in net.obsearch.index.utils with type parameters of type Index
 class AbstractCommandLine<O extends OB,I extends Index<O>,A extends Ambient<O,I>>
 class AbstractNewLineBytesCommandLine<O extends OB,I extends Index<O>,A extends Ambient<O,I>>
 class AbstractNewLineCommandLine<O extends OB,I extends Index<O>,A extends Ambient<O,I>>

Methods in net.obsearch.index.utils with parameters of type Index
protected  String IndexSmokeTUtil.debug(Iterator<OBResultShort<O>> it, Index<O> index)
          Prints debug info for the given priority queue.
protected  String IndexSmokeTUtil.debug(OBPriorityQueueShort<O> q, Index<O> index)

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.pivots

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots with parameters of type Index
 PivotResult IncrementalPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount, Index<O> index)
          Generates pivots from all the elements found in the DB.
 PivotResult AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotsCount, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult IncrementalPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
          Generates pivots from the elements (object ids) given in the array elements.
abstract  PivotResult AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotPairResult<O> IncrementalPairPivotSelector.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount, Index<O> index)
          Generates pivots from all the elements found in the DB.
 PivotPairResult<O> IncrementalPairPivotSelector.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
          Generates pivots from the elements (object ids) given in the array elements.
protected  O AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.getObject(long i, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
          Returns the given object.
protected  int AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.max(cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<O> index)
          Returns the max # of elements.
protected  long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<O> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
protected  O[] AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.selectO(int k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<O> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes)
protected  long[] AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.selectUnique(int k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<O> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes)

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.pivots.bustos

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.bustos with parameters of type Index
protected abstract  double AbstractIncrementalBustosNavarroChavez.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
          Calculates the median of L-inf(x[i], y[i]) based on pivots
 PivotResult AbstractIncrementalBustosNavarroChavez.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
protected abstract  boolean AbstractIncrementalBustosNavarroChavez.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
          Validates that the lower layers have been processing everything fine.

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.pivots.bustos.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.bustos.impl with parameters of type Index
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezLong.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezByte.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezDouble.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezShort.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezInt.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezFloat.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezLong.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezByte.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezDouble.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezShort.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezInt.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezFloat.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.pivots.dummy

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.dummy with parameters of type Index
 PivotResult IncrementalFixedPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount, Index index)
 PivotResult IncrementalDummyPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult IncrementalFixedPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index index)
 PivotResult IncrementalDummyPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.pivots.kmeans.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.kmeans.impl with parameters of type Index
 PivotResult IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorInt.generatePivots(int pivotsCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorFloat.generatePivots(int pivotsCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorLong.generatePivots(int pivotsCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorByte.generatePivots(int pivotsCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorDouble.generatePivots(int pivotsCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorShort.generatePivots(int pivotsCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.pivots.perm

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.perm with parameters of type Index
 PivotResult AbstractIncrementalPerm.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.pivots.random

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.random with parameters of type Index
 PivotResult RandomPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.pivots.rf02

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.rf02 with parameters of type Index
 PivotResult RF02PivotSelectorShort.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF02PivotSelectorFloat.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotPairResult<O> AbstractIncrementalRF02.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount, Index<O> index)
 PivotPairResult<O> AbstractIncrementalRF02.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.pivots.rf03

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.rf03 with parameters of type Index
 PivotResult RF03PivotSelectorShort.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF03PivotSelectorFloat.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF03PivotSelectorLong.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotPairResult<O> AbstractIncrementalRF03.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount, Index<O> index)
 PivotPairResult<O> AbstractIncrementalRF03.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.pivots.rf04

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.rf04 with parameters of type Index
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorFloat.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorInt.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorShort.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotPairResult<O> AbstractIncrementalRF04.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount, Index<O> index)
 PivotPairResult<O> AbstractIncrementalRF04.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.pivots.rf04.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.rf04.impl with parameters of type Index
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorFloat.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorLong.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorDouble.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorShort.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorInt.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorByte.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

Uses of Index in net.obsearch.pivots.sss

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.sss with parameters of type Index
 PivotResult AbstractMySSS.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

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