Uses of Class

Packages that use OutOfRangeException
net.obsearch Provides the main interfaces of OBSearch. 
net.obsearch.index.utils Provides some utility classes used by the Index implementations. 

Uses of OutOfRangeException in net.obsearch

Methods in net.obsearch that throw OutOfRangeException
 void Index.freeze()
          Freezes the index.
 void ApproxIndexShort.searchOBAnalyzeEp(O object, short r, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result, double ep, List<AbstractOBResult<O>> db)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void ApproxIndexShort.searchOBAnalyzeRecall(O object, short r, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result, double recall, List<AbstractOBResult<O>> perfectQueryResult)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".

Uses of OutOfRangeException in net.obsearch.ambient

Methods in net.obsearch.ambient that throw OutOfRangeException
 void AbstractAmbient.freeze()
 void Ambient.freeze()
          Freezes the index and stores the metadata of the index (the index itself) in the DB.

Uses of OutOfRangeException in net.obsearch.cache

Methods in net.obsearch.cache that throw OutOfRangeException
 O OBCacheLong.get(long id)
          Gets the given object, returns null if the object is not found.
 O OBCacheHandlerByteArray.loadObject(byte[] key)
          Load an object with the given key from secondary storage.
 O OBCacheHandlerLong.loadObject(long key)
          Load the object with key (key) from secondary storage.

Uses of OutOfRangeException in net.obsearch.index

Methods in net.obsearch.index that throw OutOfRangeException
 void AbstractOBIndex.freeze()
 void IndexByte.searchOB(O object, byte r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexByte.searchOB(O object, byte r, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexDouble.searchOB(O object, double r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexDouble.searchOB(O object, double r, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexInt.searchOB(O object, int r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexInt.searchOB(O object, int r, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexLong.searchOB(O object, long r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexLong.searchOB(O object, long r, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexShort.searchOB(O object, short r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexShort.searchOB(O object, short r, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".

Uses of OutOfRangeException in net.obsearch.index.aesa.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.index.aesa.impl that throw OutOfRangeException
 void AesaFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
 void AesaFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)

Uses of OutOfRangeException in net.obsearch.index.bucket

Methods in net.obsearch.index.bucket that throw OutOfRangeException
protected  void AbstractBucketIndex.freezeDefault()
protected  O AbstractBucketIndex.getObjectFreeze(long id, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elementSource)
          Auxiliary function used in freeze to get objects directly from the DB, or by using an array of object ids.
protected  OperationStatus AbstractBucketIndex.insertBucket(B b, O object)
          Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device.
protected  OperationStatus AbstractBucketIndex.insertBucketBulk(B b, O object)
          Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device.

Uses of OutOfRangeException in net.obsearch.index.ghs

Methods in net.obsearch.index.ghs that throw OutOfRangeException
 void AbstractSketch64.freeze()

Uses of OutOfRangeException in net.obsearch.index.ghs.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.index.ghs.impl that throw OutOfRangeException
 void Sketch64Byte.searchOB(O object, byte r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
 void Sketch64Byte.searchOB(O object, byte r, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
 void Sketch64Double.searchOB(O object, double r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
 void Sketch64Double.searchOB(O object, double r, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
 void Sketch64Float.searchOB(O object, float r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
 void Sketch64Float.searchOB(O object, float r, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
 void Sketch64Int.searchOB(O object, int r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
 void Sketch64Int.searchOB(O object, int r, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
 void Sketch64Long.searchOB(O object, long r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
 void Sketch64Long.searchOB(O object, long r, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
 void Sketch64Short.searchOB(O object, short r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)
 void Sketch64Short.searchOB(O object, short r, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)

Uses of OutOfRangeException in net.obsearch.index.perm

Methods in net.obsearch.index.perm that throw OutOfRangeException
 void AbstractDistancePermutations.freeze()
 void AbstractDistPerm.freeze()

Uses of OutOfRangeException in net.obsearch.index.perm.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.index.perm.impl that throw OutOfRangeException
 void DistPermByte.searchOB(O object, byte r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
 void DistPermByte.searchOB(O object, byte r, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
 void DistPermDouble.searchOB(O object, double r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
 void DistPermDouble.searchOB(O object, double r, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
 void DistPermFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
 void DistPermFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
 void DistPermInt.searchOB(O object, int r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
 void DistPermInt.searchOB(O object, int r, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
 void DistPermLong.searchOB(O object, long r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
 void DistPermLong.searchOB(O object, long r, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
 void DistPermShort.searchOB(O object, short r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)
 void DistPermShort.searchOB(O object, short r, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)

Uses of OutOfRangeException in net.obsearch.index.pivot

Methods in net.obsearch.index.pivot that throw OutOfRangeException
 void AbstractPivotOBIndex.freeze()
protected  PivotResult AbstractPivotOBIndex.selectPivots(int pivotCount, IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector)
          Override this method if selection must be changed

Uses of OutOfRangeException in net.obsearch.index.sorter

Methods in net.obsearch.index.sorter that throw OutOfRangeException
protected  void AbstractBucketSorter.freezeDefault()
protected  OperationStatus AbstractBucketSorter.insertBucket(B b, O object)
          Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device.
protected  OperationStatus AbstractBucketSorter.insertBucketBulk(B b, O object)
          Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device.

Uses of OutOfRangeException in net.obsearch.index.utils

Methods in net.obsearch.index.utils that throw OutOfRangeException
protected  void AbstractNewLineCommandLineShort.searchObject(I index, O object, Statistics other)
protected abstract  void AbstractNewLineCommandLine.searchObject(I index, O object, Statistics other)
          The subclass implements this method and decides to print or do something with the result.
protected  void AbstractNewLineCommandLineShort.searchObjectApprox(I index, O object, Statistics other)
protected abstract  void AbstractNewLineCommandLine.searchObjectApprox(I index, O object, Statistics other)
          Search object in approx mode.

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