Packages that use OB | |
net.obsearch | Provides the main interfaces of OBSearch. |
net.obsearch.ambient | |
net.obsearch.ambient.bdb | |
net.obsearch.ambient.tc | |
net.obsearch.dimension | |
net.obsearch.example | Provides examples on how to use OBSearch. |
net.obsearch.filter | |
net.obsearch.index | |
net.obsearch.index.aesa | |
net.obsearch.index.bucket | |
net.obsearch.index.ghs | |
net.obsearch.index.perm | |
net.obsearch.index.pivot | |
net.obsearch.index.sorter | |
net.obsearch.index.utils | Provides some utility classes used by the Index implementations. |
net.obsearch.ob | |
net.obsearch.pivots | |
net.obsearch.pivots.bustos | |
net.obsearch.pivots.dummy | |
net.obsearch.pivots.perm | |
net.obsearch.pivots.random | |
net.obsearch.pivots.rf02 | |
net.obsearch.pivots.rf03 | |
net.obsearch.pivots.rf04 | |
net.obsearch.pivots.sss |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch |
Classes in net.obsearch with type parameters of type OB | |
interface |
Index<O extends OB>
This the main contract for OBSearch indexes. |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.ambient |
Classes in net.obsearch.ambient with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AbstractAmbient<O extends OB,I extends Index<O>>
An Ambient is the class that surrounds the index, its metadata and the storage devices. |
interface |
Ambient<O extends OB,I extends Index<O>>
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.ambient.bdb |
Classes in net.obsearch.ambient.bdb with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AmbientBDBJe<O extends OB,I extends Index<O>>
AmbientBDB creates an ambient based on the Berkeley DB storage sub-system. |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.ambient.tc |
Classes in net.obsearch.ambient.tc with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AmbientTC<O extends OB,I extends Index<O>>
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.dimension |
Method parameters in net.obsearch.dimension with type arguments of type OB | |
static long[] |
AbstractDimension.select(int k,
Random r,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source,
Index<OB> index,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes)
Selects k random elements from the given source. |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.example |
Classes in net.obsearch.example that implement OB | |
class |
Example Object that can be stored in OBSearch This class reads strings representations of trees and calculates the distance between the objects by using a tree distance function. |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.filter |
Classes in net.obsearch.filter with type parameters of type OB | |
interface |
Filter<O extends OB>
Filter allows the user to remove unwanted results from OBSearch. |
class |
FilterAnd<O extends OB>
FilterAnd returns true if and only if each if its filters return true. |
class |
FilterNonEquals<O extends OB>
Filter all objects that are not equal to the query. |
class |
FilterOr<O extends OB>
FilterOr creates an or of filters. |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.index |
Classes in net.obsearch.index with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AbstractOBIndex<O extends OB>
AbstractOBIndex contains functionality regarding object storage. |
Classes in net.obsearch.index that implement OB | |
class |
L1 distance implementation for bytes. |
class |
L1 distance implementation for doubles. |
class |
L1 distance implementation for floats. |
class |
L1 distance implementation for ints. |
class |
L1 distance implementation for longs. |
class |
L1 distance implementation for shorts. |
Methods in net.obsearch.index that return OB | |
O[] |
AbstractOBIndex.emptyPivotsArray(int size)
Create an empty pivots array. |
protected O[] |
AbstractOBIndex.loadPivots(byte[][] serializedPivots)
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.index.aesa |
Classes in net.obsearch.index.aesa with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AbstractAESA<O extends OB>
In-memory AESA class |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.index.bucket |
Classes in net.obsearch.index.bucket with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AbstractBucketIndex<O extends OB,B extends BucketObject,Q,BC extends BucketContainer<O,B,Q>>
interface |
BucketContainer<O extends OB,B extends BucketObject,Q>
A BucketContainer stores SMAP vectors of objects. |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.index.ghs |
Classes in net.obsearch.index.ghs with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AbstractSketch64<O extends OB,B extends BucketObject<O>,Q,BC extends BucketContainer<O,B,Q>>
AbstractSketch64 encapsulates functionality common to a Sketch. |
Fields in net.obsearch.index.ghs declared as OB | |
protected O[][] |
pivot grid. |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.index.perm |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.index.pivot |
Classes in net.obsearch.index.pivot with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AbstractPivotOBIndex<O extends OB>
AbstractPivotOBIndex defines abstract functionality for an index that uses n pivots to partition the data into more tractable subsets. |
Fields in net.obsearch.index.pivot declared as OB | |
protected O[] |
The pivots for this Tree. |
Methods in net.obsearch.index.pivot that return OB | |
protected O[] |
AbstractPivotOBIndex.getObjects(long[] ids)
Stores the given pivots in a local array. |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.index.sorter |
Classes in net.obsearch.index.sorter with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AbstractBucketSorter<O extends OB,B extends BucketObject<O>,Q,BC extends BucketContainer<O,B,Q>,P extends Projection<P,CP>,CP>
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.index.utils |
Classes in net.obsearch.index.utils with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AbstractCommandLine<O extends OB,I extends Index<O>,A extends Ambient<O,I>>
class |
AbstractNewLineBytesCommandLine<O extends OB,I extends Index<O>,A extends Ambient<O,I>>
class |
AbstractNewLineCommandLine<O extends OB,I extends Index<O>,A extends Ambient<O,I>>
interface |
OBFactory<O extends OB>
Instantiates objects from string lines. |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.ob |
Subinterfaces of OB in net.obsearch.ob | |
interface |
Any Object whose distance function returns bytes must implement this interface. |
interface |
Any Object whose distance function returns doubles must implement this interface. |
interface |
Any Object whose distance function returns floats must implement this interface. |
interface |
Any Object whose distance function returns ints must implement this interface. |
interface |
Any Object whose distance function returns longs must implement this interface. |
interface |
Any Object whose distance function returns shorts must implement this interface. |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.pivots |
Classes in net.obsearch.pivots with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector<O extends OB>
AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector holds common functionality to all the incremental pivot selectors. |
class |
AcceptAll<O extends OB>
A class that accepts any object as pivot. |
interface |
IncrementalPairPivotSelector<O extends OB>
Objects that implement the IncrementalPivotSelector interface are expected to take objects from a) all the database, b) a subset of the database. |
interface |
IncrementalPivotSelector<O extends OB>
Objects that implement the IncrementalPivotSelector interface are expected to take objects from a) all the database, b) a subset of the database. |
interface |
Pivotable<O extends OB>
This interface is used by some pivot selectors to determine if a given object can be used as a pivot. |
Methods in net.obsearch.pivots that return OB | |
protected O[] |
AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.selectO(int k,
Random r,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source,
Index<O> index,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes)
Constructor parameters in net.obsearch.pivots with type arguments of type OB | |
PivotResult(List<Pair<Long,OB>> pivotIds)
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.pivots.bustos |
Classes in net.obsearch.pivots.bustos with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AbstractIncrementalBustosNavarroChavez<O extends OB>
IncrementalBustosNavarroChavez implements the pivot selection described here: Pivot Selection Techniques for Proximity Searching in Metric Spaces (2001) Benjamin Bustos, Gonzalo Navarro, Edgar Chavez The idea was also suggested by Zezula et all in their book "Similarity Search: The Metric Space Approach" |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.pivots.dummy |
Classes in net.obsearch.pivots.dummy with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
IncrementalDummyPivotSelector<O extends OB>
IncrementalDummyPivotSelector is used for testing purposes. |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.pivots.perm |
Classes in net.obsearch.pivots.perm with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AbstractIncrementalPerm<O extends OB>
IncrementalBustosNavarroChavez implements the pivot selection described here: Pivot Selection Techniques for Proximity Searching in Metric Spaces (2001) Benjamin Bustos, Gonzalo Navarro, Edgar Chavez The idea was also suggested by Zezula et all in their book "Similarity Search: The Metric Space Approach" |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.pivots.random |
Classes in net.obsearch.pivots.random with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
RandomPivotSelector<O extends OB>
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.pivots.rf02 |
Classes in net.obsearch.pivots.rf02 with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AbstractIncrementalRF02<O extends OB>
Select pairs of pivots. |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.pivots.rf03 |
Classes in net.obsearch.pivots.rf03 with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AbstractIncrementalRF03<O extends OB>
Select pairs of pivots. |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.pivots.rf04 |
Classes in net.obsearch.pivots.rf04 with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AbstractIncrementalRF04<O extends OB>
Select pairs of pivots. |
Uses of OB in net.obsearch.pivots.sss |
Classes in net.obsearch.pivots.sss with type parameters of type OB | |
class |
AbstractMySSS<O extends OB>
IncrementalBustosNavarroChavez implements the pivot selection described here: Pivot Selection Techniques for Proximity Searching in Metric Spaces (2001) Benjamin Bustos, Gonzalo Navarro, Edgar Chavez The idea was also suggested by Zezula et all in their book "Similarity Search: The Metric Space Approach" |