Uses of Class

Packages that use IllegalIdException
net.obsearch Provides the main interfaces of OBSearch. 
net.obsearch.example Provides examples on how to use OBSearch. 
net.obsearch.index.utils Provides some utility classes used by the Index implementations. 

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch

Methods in net.obsearch that throw IllegalIdException
 void Index.freeze()
          Freezes the index.
 O Index.getObject(long i)
          This method returns the object with internal id "i".
 void ApproxIndexShort.searchOBAnalyzeEp(O object, short r, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result, double ep, List<AbstractOBResult<O>> db)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void ApproxIndexShort.searchOBAnalyzeRecall(O object, short r, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result, double recall, List<AbstractOBResult<O>> perfectQueryResult)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.ambient

Methods in net.obsearch.ambient that throw IllegalIdException
 void AbstractAmbient.freeze()
 void Ambient.freeze()
          Freezes the index and stores the metadata of the index (the index itself) in the DB.

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.cache

Methods in net.obsearch.cache that throw IllegalIdException
 O OBCacheHandlerByteArray.loadObject(byte[] key)
          Load an object with the given key from secondary storage.

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.dimension

Methods in net.obsearch.dimension that throw IllegalIdException
static byte[] DimensionByte.getBasicTuple(OBByte[] pivots, OBByte object)
          Creates a byte array from the given pivots and the given object.
static double[] DimensionDouble.getBasicTuple(OBDouble[] pivots, OBDouble object)
          Creates a double array from the given pivots and the given object.
static float[] DimensionFloat.getBasicTuple(OBFloat[] pivots, OBFloat object)
          Creates a float array from the given pivots and the given object.
static int[] DimensionInt.getBasicTuple(OBInt[] pivots, OBInt object)
          Creates a int array from the given pivots and the given object.
static long[] DimensionLong.getBasicTuple(OBLong[] pivots, OBLong object)
          Creates a long array from the given pivots and the given object.
static short[] DimensionShort.getBasicTuple(OBShort[] pivots, OBShort object)
          Creates a short array from the given pivots and the given object.
static byte[] DimensionByte.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBByte> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static double[] DimensionDouble.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBDouble> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static float[] DimensionFloat.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBFloat> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static int[] DimensionInt.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBInt> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static long[] DimensionLong.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBLong> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static short[] DimensionShort.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBShort> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static byte[] DimensionByte.getPrimitiveTuple(OBByte[] pivots, OBByte object)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static double[] DimensionDouble.getPrimitiveTuple(OBDouble[] pivots, OBDouble object)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static float[] DimensionFloat.getPrimitiveTuple(OBFloat[] pivots, OBFloat object)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static int[] DimensionInt.getPrimitiveTuple(OBInt[] pivots, OBInt object)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static long[] DimensionLong.getPrimitiveTuple(OBLong[] pivots, OBLong object)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static short[] DimensionShort.getPrimitiveTuple(OBShort[] pivots, OBShort object)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static DimensionByte[] DimensionByte.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBByte> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionDouble[] DimensionDouble.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBDouble> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionFloat[] DimensionFloat.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBFloat> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionInt[] DimensionInt.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBInt> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionLong[] DimensionLong.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBLong> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionShort[] DimensionShort.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBShort> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionByte[] DimensionByte.getTuple(OBByte[] pivots, OBByte object)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object.
static DimensionDouble[] DimensionDouble.getTuple(OBDouble[] pivots, OBDouble object)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object.
static DimensionFloat[] DimensionFloat.getTuple(OBFloat[] pivots, OBFloat object)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object.
static DimensionInt[] DimensionInt.getTuple(OBInt[] pivots, OBInt object)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object.
static DimensionLong[] DimensionLong.getTuple(OBLong[] pivots, OBLong object)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object.
static DimensionShort[] DimensionShort.getTuple(OBShort[] pivots, OBShort object)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object.
static byte DimensionByte.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBByte> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static double DimensionDouble.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBDouble> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static float DimensionFloat.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBFloat> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static int DimensionInt.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBInt> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static long DimensionLong.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBLong> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static short DimensionShort.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBShort> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OB> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBByte> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, byte minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBDouble> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, double minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBFloat> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, float minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBInt> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, int minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBLong> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, long minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBShort> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, short minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.example

Methods in net.obsearch.example that throw IllegalIdException
protected abstract  void AbstractExampleGeneral.intrinsic()

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.index

Methods in net.obsearch.index that throw IllegalIdException
protected  O AbstractOBIndex.bytesToObject(byte[] data)
          Instantiates an object O from the given data array.
protected  O AbstractOBIndex.bytesToObject(ByteBuffer data)
          Instantiates an object O from the given data array.
protected  OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.findAux(O object)
          Find the Id of the given object.
 void AbstractOBIndex.freeze()
 O AbstractOBIndex.getObject(long id)
 double AbstractOBIndex.intrinsicDimensionality(int sampleSize)
          Calculate the intrinsic dimension of the underlying database
protected  O[] AbstractOBIndex.loadPivots(byte[][] serializedPivots)
 void IndexByte.searchOB(O object, byte r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexByte.searchOB(O object, byte r, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexDouble.searchOB(O object, double r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexDouble.searchOB(O object, double r, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexInt.searchOB(O object, int r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexInt.searchOB(O object, int r, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexLong.searchOB(O object, long r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexLong.searchOB(O object, long r, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexShort.searchOB(O object, short r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexShort.searchOB(O object, short r, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
protected  byte[][] AbstractOBIndex.serializePivots(long[] ids)
          Finds the given objects in A and serializes them.

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.index.aesa.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.index.aesa.impl that throw IllegalIdException
 O AesaFloat.getObject(long i)
 void AesaFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
 void AesaFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.index.bucket

Methods in net.obsearch.index.bucket that throw IllegalIdException
protected  void AbstractBucketIndex.bucketStats()
 OperationStatus BucketContainer.delete(B bucket, O object)
          Deletes the given object from this BucketContainer.
 OperationStatus BucketContainer.exists(B bucket, O object)
          Returns true if the object and its bucket definition exist in this container
protected  void AbstractBucketIndex.freezeDefault()
protected  O AbstractBucketIndex.getObjectFreeze(long id, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elementSource)
          Auxiliary function used in freeze to get objects directly from the DB, or by using an array of object ids.
 OperationStatus BucketContainer.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Inserts the given object with the given bucket details to this bucket.
protected  OperationStatus AbstractBucketIndex.insertBucket(B b, O object)
          Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device.
protected  OperationStatus AbstractBucketIndex.insertBucketBulk(B b, O object)
          Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device.
 OperationStatus BucketContainer.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Inserts the given object with the given bucket details to this bucket.
 void<O> q, B bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Same as, BucketObject, Filter, Statistics) but it forces the query AbstractOBQuery into the correct type.
 void query, B bucket, ByteBuffer b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Match the given query and bucket but only for one record found in b.
 void query, B bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Searches the given object with the given searchContainer parameters.

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.index.bucket.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.index.bucket.impl that throw IllegalIdException
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerByte.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerInt.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerShort.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerDouble.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerFloat.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerLong.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerByte.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerInt.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerShort.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerDouble.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerFloat.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerLong.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerByte.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerInt.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerShort.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerDouble.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerFloat.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerLong.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerByte.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerInt.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerShort.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerDouble.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerFloat.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerLong.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 void<O> q, B bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, B bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, B bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, B bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, B bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, B bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, B b, ByteBuffer data, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, byte[] key1, byte[] key2, Statistics stats)
          Convenience method that forces the search to be performed on a certain key set.
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Searches the data by using a binary search to reduce SMAP vector computations.
 void<O> query, B b, ByteBuffer data, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, byte[] key1, byte[] key2, Statistics stats)
          Convenience method that forces the search to be performed on a certain key set.
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Searches the data by using a binary search to reduce SMAP vector computations.
 void<O> query, B b, ByteBuffer data, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, byte[] key1, byte[] key2, Statistics stats)
          Convenience method that forces the search to be performed on a certain key set.
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Searches the data by using a binary search to reduce SMAP vector computations.
 void<O> query, B b, ByteBuffer data, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, byte[] key1, byte[] key2, Statistics stats)
          Convenience method that forces the search to be performed on a certain key set.
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Searches the data by using a binary search to reduce SMAP vector computations.
 void<O> query, B b, ByteBuffer data, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, byte[] key1, byte[] key2, Statistics stats)
          Convenience method that forces the search to be performed on a certain key set.
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Searches the data by using a binary search to reduce SMAP vector computations.
 void<O> query, B b, ByteBuffer data, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, byte[] key1, byte[] key2, Statistics stats)
          Convenience method that forces the search to be performed on a certain key set.
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Searches the data by using a binary search to reduce SMAP vector computations.

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.index.bucket.sleek

Methods in net.obsearch.index.bucket.sleek that throw IllegalIdException
 OperationStatus SleekBucketByte.delete(BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketDouble.delete(BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketFloat.delete(BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketInt.delete(BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketLong.delete(BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketShort.delete(BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketByte.exists(BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketDouble.exists(BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketFloat.exists(BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketInt.exists(BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketLong.exists(BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketShort.exists(BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketByte.insert(BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketDouble.insert(BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketFloat.insert(BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketInt.insert(BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketLong.insert(BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketShort.insert(BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketByte.insertBulk(BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketDouble.insertBulk(BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketFloat.insertBulk(BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketInt.insertBulk(BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketLong.insertBulk(BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketShort.insertBulk(BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, O object)
 void<O> q, BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, ByteBuffer b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, ByteBuffer b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, ByteBuffer b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, ByteBuffer b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, ByteBuffer b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, ByteBuffer b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.index.ghs

Methods in net.obsearch.index.ghs that throw IllegalIdException
 void AbstractSketch64.debugDist()
 void AbstractSketch64.freeze()

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.index.ghs.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.index.ghs.impl that throw IllegalIdException
 void Sketch64Byte.searchOB(O object, byte r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
 void Sketch64Byte.searchOB(O object, byte r, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
 void Sketch64Double.searchOB(O object, double r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
 void Sketch64Double.searchOB(O object, double r, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
 void Sketch64Float.searchOB(O object, float r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
 void Sketch64Float.searchOB(O object, float r, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
 void Sketch64Int.searchOB(O object, int r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
 void Sketch64Int.searchOB(O object, int r, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
 void Sketch64Long.searchOB(O object, long r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
 void Sketch64Long.searchOB(O object, long r, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
 void Sketch64Short.searchOB(O object, short r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)
 void Sketch64Short.searchOB(O object, short r, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.index.perm

Methods in net.obsearch.index.perm that throw IllegalIdException
 void AbstractDistancePermutations.freeze()
 void AbstractDistPerm.freeze()

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.index.perm.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.index.perm.impl that throw IllegalIdException
 void DistPermByte.searchOB(O object, byte r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
 void DistPermByte.searchOB(O object, byte r, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
 void DistPermDouble.searchOB(O object, double r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
 void DistPermDouble.searchOB(O object, double r, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
 void DistPermFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
 void DistPermFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
 void DistPermInt.searchOB(O object, int r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
 void DistPermInt.searchOB(O object, int r, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
 void DistPermLong.searchOB(O object, long r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
 void DistPermLong.searchOB(O object, long r, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
 void DistPermShort.searchOB(O object, short r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)
 void DistPermShort.searchOB(O object, short r, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.index.pivot

Methods in net.obsearch.index.pivot that throw IllegalIdException
protected  double AbstractPivotOBIndex.calculateIntrinsicDimensionality()
          Calculates the intrinsic dimensionality of the inserted dataset.
 void AbstractPivotOBIndex.freeze()
protected  O[] AbstractPivotOBIndex.getObjects(long[] ids)
          Stores the given pivots in a local array.
protected  PivotResult AbstractPivotOBIndex.selectPivots(int pivotCount, IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector)
          Override this method if selection must be changed

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.index.sorter

Methods in net.obsearch.index.sorter that throw IllegalIdException
 void AbstractBucketSorter.bucketStats()
protected  void AbstractBucketSorter.calculateEstimators()
          Calculate the estimators.
protected  void AbstractBucketSorter.freezeDefault()
 List<O> AbstractBucketSorter.getAllObjects()
          Returns a list of all the objects of this index.
protected  OperationStatus AbstractBucketSorter.insertBucket(B b, O object)
          Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device.
protected  OperationStatus AbstractBucketSorter.insertBucketBulk(B b, O object)
          Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device.
protected  void AbstractBucketSorter.maxKEstimation()
          Sort all masks, and then start the search until the CompoundError is less than some threshold.

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.index.utils

Methods in net.obsearch.index.utils that throw IllegalIdException
protected  String IndexSmokeTUtil.debug(Iterator<OBResultShort<O>> it, Index<O> index)
          Prints debug info for the given priority queue.
protected  String IndexSmokeTUtil.debug(OBPriorityQueueShort<O> q, Index<O> index)
protected  void AbstractNewLineCommandLineShort.searchObject(I index, O object, Statistics other)
protected abstract  void AbstractNewLineCommandLine.searchObject(I index, O object, Statistics other)
          The subclass implements this method and decides to print or do something with the result.
protected  void AbstractNewLineCommandLineShort.searchObjectApprox(I index, O object, Statistics other)
protected abstract  void AbstractNewLineCommandLine.searchObjectApprox(I index, O object, Statistics other)
          Search object in approx mode.

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.pivots

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots that throw IllegalIdException
protected  O AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.getObject(long i, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
          Returns the given object.
protected  long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<O> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
protected  O[] AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.selectO(int k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<O> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes)
protected  long[] AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.selectUnique(int k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<O> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes)

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.pivots.bustos

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.bustos that throw IllegalIdException
protected abstract  double AbstractIncrementalBustosNavarroChavez.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
          Calculates the median of L-inf(x[i], y[i]) based on pivots
protected abstract  boolean AbstractIncrementalBustosNavarroChavez.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
          Validates that the lower layers have been processing everything fine.

Uses of IllegalIdException in net.obsearch.pivots.bustos.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.bustos.impl that throw IllegalIdException
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezLong.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezByte.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezDouble.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezShort.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezInt.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezFloat.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezLong.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezByte.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezDouble.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezShort.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezInt.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezFloat.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)

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