Uses of Class

Packages that use OBException
net.obsearch Provides the main interfaces of OBSearch. 
net.obsearch.asserts Provides classes for checking conditions and generating exceptions. 
net.obsearch.example Provides examples on how to use OBSearch. 
net.obsearch.exception Provides all the exceptions thrown by OBSearch. 
net.obsearch.index.utils Provides some utility classes used by the Index implementations. 

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch

Methods in net.obsearch that throw OBException
 void Index.close()
          Closes the database.
 String Index.debug(O object)
          Routine that helps to debug objects.
 OperationStatus Index.delete(O object)
          Deletes the given object from the database.
 OperationStatus Index.exists(O object)
          Returns true if the given object exists in the database.
 void Index.freeze()
          Freezes the index.
 long Index.getBox(O object)
          Returns the box where the given object is stored.
 O Index.getObject(long i)
          This method returns the object with internal id "i".
 void Index.init(OBStoreFactory fact)
          This method *must* be called after de-serializing the database object and after instantiating the index.
 OperationStatus Index.insert(O object)
          Inserts the given object into the index.
 OperationStatus Index.insert(O object, long id)
          Inserts the given object into the index.
 OperationStatus Index.insertBulk(O object)
          Inserts the given object into the index.
 OperationStatus Index.insertBulk(O object, long id)
          Inserts the given object into the index.
 void Storable.load(byte[] input)
          Populates the object's internal properties from the given byte stream.
 void Index.loadObject(long i, O object)
          Load the data of object # i into the given object
 void ApproxIndexShort.searchOBAnalyzeEp(O object, short r, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result, double ep, List<AbstractOBResult<O>> db)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void ApproxIndexShort.searchOBAnalyzeRecall(O object, short r, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result, double recall, List<AbstractOBResult<O>> perfectQueryResult)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
          Stores this object in a byte array.

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.ambient

Methods in net.obsearch.ambient that throw OBException
 void AbstractAmbient.close()
 void Ambient.close()
          Close all the internally used resources.
 void AbstractAmbient.freeze()
 void Ambient.freeze()
          Freezes the index and stores the metadata of the index (the index itself) in the DB.

Constructors in net.obsearch.ambient that throw OBException
AbstractAmbient(File directory)
          Constructor to be used after a freeze took place.
AbstractAmbient(I index, File directory)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.ambient.bdb

Constructors in net.obsearch.ambient.bdb that throw OBException
AmbientBDBJe(File directory)
AmbientBDBJe(I index, File directory)

Uses of OBException in

Constructors in that throw OBException
AmbientTC(File directory)
AmbientTC(I index, File directory)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.asserts

Methods in net.obsearch.asserts that throw OBException
static void OBAsserts.chkAssert(boolean condition, String msg)
          Creates an OBException with the given msg if the given condition is false.
static void OBAsserts.chkNotNull(Object x, String msg)
static void msg)
          Fail with the given message.
static void OBAsserts.notNull(Object x)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.cache

Methods in net.obsearch.cache that throw OBException
 void OBCacheLong.clearAll()
 void OBCacheByteArray.clearAll()
abstract  void AbstractOBCache.clearAll()
          Makes sure the cache is cleaned and each object is stored.
 O OBCacheByteArray.get(byte[] id)
          Gets the given object, returns null if the object is not found.
 O OBCacheLong.get(long id)
          Gets the given object, returns null if the object is not found.
 O OBCacheHandlerByteArray.loadObject(byte[] key)
          Load an object with the given key from secondary storage.
 O OBCacheHandlerLong.loadObject(long key)
          Load the object with key (key) from secondary storage.
 void[] key, O object)
          Store object in the database with the given key.
 void key, O object)
          Store object in the database with the given key.

Constructors in net.obsearch.cache that throw OBException
OBCacheByteArray(OBCacheHandlerByteArray<O> handler, int cacheSize)
          Initialize the cache with the given amount of elements.
OBCacheLong(OBCacheHandlerLong<O> handler, int cacheSize)
          Initialize the cache with the given amount of elements.

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.constants

Methods in net.obsearch.constants that throw OBException
static int OBSearchProperties.getACacheSize()
static int OBSearchProperties.getBCacheSize()
static long OBSearchProperties.getBDBCacheSize()
static int OBSearchProperties.getBucketsCacheSize()
static int OBSearchProperties.getIntProperty(String prop)
static int OBSearchProperties.getLHandlesCacheSize()
static long OBSearchProperties.getLongProperty(String prop)
static String OBSearchProperties.getStringProperty(String prop)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.dimension

Methods in net.obsearch.dimension that throw OBException
static byte[] DimensionByte.getBasicTuple(OBByte[] pivots, OBByte object)
          Creates a byte array from the given pivots and the given object.
static double[] DimensionDouble.getBasicTuple(OBDouble[] pivots, OBDouble object)
          Creates a double array from the given pivots and the given object.
static float[] DimensionFloat.getBasicTuple(OBFloat[] pivots, OBFloat object)
          Creates a float array from the given pivots and the given object.
static int[] DimensionInt.getBasicTuple(OBInt[] pivots, OBInt object)
          Creates a int array from the given pivots and the given object.
static long[] DimensionLong.getBasicTuple(OBLong[] pivots, OBLong object)
          Creates a long array from the given pivots and the given object.
static short[] DimensionShort.getBasicTuple(OBShort[] pivots, OBShort object)
          Creates a short array from the given pivots and the given object.
static byte[] DimensionByte.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBByte> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static double[] DimensionDouble.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBDouble> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static float[] DimensionFloat.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBFloat> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static int[] DimensionInt.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBInt> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static long[] DimensionLong.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBLong> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static short[] DimensionShort.getPrimitiveTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBShort> index)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static byte[] DimensionByte.getPrimitiveTuple(OBByte[] pivots, OBByte object)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static double[] DimensionDouble.getPrimitiveTuple(OBDouble[] pivots, OBDouble object)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static float[] DimensionFloat.getPrimitiveTuple(OBFloat[] pivots, OBFloat object)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static int[] DimensionInt.getPrimitiveTuple(OBInt[] pivots, OBInt object)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static long[] DimensionLong.getPrimitiveTuple(OBLong[] pivots, OBLong object)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static short[] DimensionShort.getPrimitiveTuple(OBShort[] pivots, OBShort object)
          Calculates the smap tuple for the given objectId, and the given pivots
static DimensionByte[] DimensionByte.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBByte> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionDouble[] DimensionDouble.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBDouble> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionFloat[] DimensionFloat.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBFloat> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionInt[] DimensionInt.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBInt> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionLong[] DimensionLong.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBLong> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionShort[] DimensionShort.getTuple(long[] pivots, long objectId, Index<? extends OBShort> index)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object id.
static DimensionByte[] DimensionByte.getTuple(OBByte[] pivots, OBByte object)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object.
static DimensionDouble[] DimensionDouble.getTuple(OBDouble[] pivots, OBDouble object)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object.
static DimensionFloat[] DimensionFloat.getTuple(OBFloat[] pivots, OBFloat object)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object.
static DimensionInt[] DimensionInt.getTuple(OBInt[] pivots, OBInt object)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object.
static DimensionLong[] DimensionLong.getTuple(OBLong[] pivots, OBLong object)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object.
static DimensionShort[] DimensionShort.getTuple(OBShort[] pivots, OBShort object)
          Creates a dimension array from the given pivots and the given object.
static byte DimensionByte.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBByte> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static double DimensionDouble.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBDouble> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static float DimensionFloat.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBFloat> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static int DimensionInt.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBInt> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static long DimensionLong.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBLong> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static short DimensionShort.minDistance(List<Long> objects, Index<OBShort> index)
          Calculate the minimum distance of the given objects (all objects compared against all objects)
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OB> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBByte> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, byte minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBDouble> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, double minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBFloat> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, float minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBInt> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, int minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBLong> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, long minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
static long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<OBShort> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes, short minDistance)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.distance

Methods in net.obsearch.distance that throw OBException
 void OBDistanceCalculatorInt.process(long idObj, O obj, O q, OBQueryInt<O> query, Filter<O> filter)
          Process asyncrhonously a and b.

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.example

Subclasses of OBException in net.obsearch.example
 class SliceParseException
          Class used to generate an error when a Tree cannot be parsed properly.

Methods in net.obsearch.example that throw OBException
 boolean TreePivotable.canBeUsedAsPivot(OBSlice object)
protected abstract  void AbstractExampleGeneral.create()
 OBSlice OBSliceFactory.create(String x)
 short OBSlice.distance(OBShort object)
          Calculates the distance between two trees.
 void AbstractExampleGeneral.doIt(String[] args)
protected abstract  void AbstractExampleGeneral.intrinsic()
 void OBSlice.load(byte[] in)
          Re-creates this object from the given byte stream
protected abstract  void
 boolean OBSliceFactory.shouldProcess(OBSlice obj)
 int OBSlice.size()
          Returns the size (in nodes) of the tree.
protected  void OBSlice.updateTree(String x)
          Internal method that updates the Tree from the String

Constructors in net.obsearch.example that throw OBException
AbstractExampleGeneral(String[] args)
AbstractGHSExample(String[] args)
OBSlice(String slice)
          Creates an slice object.

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.exception

Subclasses of OBException in net.obsearch.exception
 class AlreadyFrozenException
          Exception thrown when an user tries to freeze an index that is already frozen.
 class BoxNotAvailableException
          Exception thrown when a box is required but it is not provided by the index.
 class ClusteringFailedException
          Exception thrown when a clustering error is signaled.
 class IllegalIdException
          Occurs when an internal id requested but the id is not available.
 class IllegalKException
          Exception signaled if the provided k is invalid.
 class KMeansException
          Exception signaled when KMeans fails for some reason.
 class KMeansHungUpException
          Exception signaled when KMeans fails leaves
 class NotFrozenException
          Occurs when the user wants to perform an operation in an unfrozen index.
 class OBStorageException
          OBStorageException is raised when an underlying storage exception fails.
 class OutOfRangeException
          Class: OutOfRangeException.

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.index

Methods in net.obsearch.index that throw OBException
protected  O AbstractOBIndex.bytesToObject(byte[] data)
          Instantiates an object O from the given data array.
protected  O AbstractOBIndex.bytesToObject(ByteBuffer data)
          Instantiates an object O from the given data array.
 void AbstractOBIndex.close()
 String AbstractOBIndex.debug(O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.delete(O object)
protected abstract  OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.deleteAux(O object)
          Deletes the entry of this object in the index.
 byte OBVectorByte.distance(OBByte object)
 double OBVectorDouble.distance(OBDouble object)
 float OBVectorFloat.distance(OBFloat object)
 int OBVectorInt.distance(OBInt object)
 long OBVectorLong.distance(OBLong object)
 short OBVectorShort.distance(OBShort object)
protected  double AbstractOBIndex.distance(O a2, O b)
protected  OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.findAux(O object)
          Find the Id of the given object.
 void AbstractOBIndex.freeze()
static byte[] CommonsByte.fullMatchLite(OBByte query, boolean filterSame, IndexByte index)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
static double[] CommonsDouble.fullMatchLite(OBDouble query, boolean filterSame, IndexDouble index)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
static float[] CommonsFloat.fullMatchLite(OBFloat query, boolean filterSame, IndexFloat index)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
static int[] CommonsInt.fullMatchLite(OBInt query, boolean filterSame, IndexInt index)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
static long[] CommonsLong.fullMatchLite(OBLong query, boolean filterSame, IndexLong index)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 float[] IndexFloat.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 double[] IndexDouble.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 short[] IndexShort.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 byte[] IndexByte.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 long[] IndexLong.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 int[] IndexInt.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
static short[] CommonsShort.fullMatchLite(OBShort query, boolean filterSame, IndexShort index)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 long AbstractOBIndex.getBox(O object)
 O AbstractOBIndex.getObject(long id)
 void AbstractOBIndex.init(OBStoreFactory fact)
          Initialize the index.
 void AbstractOBIndex.init(OBStoreFactory fact)
          Initialize the index.
protected  void AbstractOBIndex.initCache()
          Initializes the object cache AbstractOBIndex.aCache.
protected  void AbstractOBIndex.initStorageDevices()
          Initializes storage devices required by this class.
 OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.insert(O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.insert(O object, long id)
protected abstract  OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.insertAux(long id, O object)
          Inserts the given object into the particular index.
protected abstract  OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.insertAuxBulk(long id, O object)
          Inserts the given object into the particular index.
 OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.insertBulk(O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractOBIndex.insertBulk(O object, long id)
 double AbstractOBIndex.intrinsicDimensionality(int sampleSize)
          Calculate the intrinsic dimension of the underlying database
 void OBVectorByte.load(byte[] input)
 void OBVectorDouble.load(byte[] input)
 void OBVectorInt.load(byte[] input)
 void OBVectorLong.load(byte[] input)
 void OBVectorFloat.load(byte[] input)
 void OBVectorShort.load(byte[] input)
 void AbstractOBIndex.loadObject(long i, O object)
          Loads object i into the given object
protected  O[] AbstractOBIndex.loadPivots(byte[][] serializedPivots)
protected  byte[] AbstractOBIndex.objectToByteBuffer(O object)
protected  byte[] AbstractOBIndex.objectToBytes(O object)
          Converts an object into an array of bytes.
 void IndexByte.searchOB(O object, byte r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexByte.searchOB(O object, byte r, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexDouble.searchOB(O object, double r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexDouble.searchOB(O object, double r, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexInt.searchOB(O object, int r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexInt.searchOB(O object, int r, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexLong.searchOB(O object, long r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexLong.searchOB(O object, long r, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexShort.searchOB(O object, short r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
 void IndexShort.searchOB(O object, short r, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)
          Searches the Index and returns OBResult (ID, OB and distance) elements that are closer to "object".
protected  byte[][] AbstractOBIndex.serializePivots(long[] ids)
          Finds the given objects in A and serializes them.
 void AbstractOBIndex.setIdAutoGeneration(boolean auto)
static void IndexUtilsFloat.validateResults(List<OBQueryFloat> queries, IndexFloat index)

Constructors in net.obsearch.index that throw OBException
AbstractOBIndex(Class<O> type)
          Constructors of an AbstractOBIndex should receive only parameters related to the operation of the index.

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.index.aesa

Methods in net.obsearch.index.aesa that throw OBException
 void AbstractAESA.freeze()
 void AbstractAESA.loadObject(long i, O object)
protected abstract  void AbstractAESA.prepare()
          compute all the distances

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.index.aesa.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.index.aesa.impl that throw OBException
 void AesaFloat.close()
 String AesaFloat.debug(O object)
 OperationStatus AesaFloat.delete(O object)
 OperationStatus AesaFloat.exists(O object)
 float[] AesaFloat.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 long AesaFloat.getBox(O object)
 O AesaFloat.getObject(long i)
 void AesaFloat.init(OBStoreFactory fact)
 OperationStatus AesaFloat.insert(O object, long id)
 OperationStatus AesaFloat.insertBulk(O object)
 OperationStatus AesaFloat.insertBulk(O object, long id)
 void AesaFloat.prepare()
 void AesaFloat.searchOB(OBQueryFloat<O> query)
 void AesaFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
 void AesaFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.index.bucket

Methods in net.obsearch.index.bucket that throw OBException
protected  void AbstractBucketIndex.bucketStats()
 void AbstractBucketIndex.close()
 String AbstractBucketIndex.debug(O object)
          Print debug info.
 OperationStatus BucketContainer.delete(B bucket, O object)
          Deletes the given object from this BucketContainer.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketIndex.deleteAux(O object)
 OperationStatus BucketContainer.exists(B bucket, O object)
          Returns true if the object and its bucket definition exist in this container
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketIndex.exists(O object)
protected  void AbstractBucketIndex.freezeDefault()
abstract  byte[] AbstractBucketIndex.getAddress(B bucket)
          Gets the byte address of the given object
abstract  B AbstractBucketIndex.getBucket(O object)
          Returns the bucket information for the given object.
protected  BC AbstractBucketIndex.getBucketContainer(byte[] id)
protected  O AbstractBucketIndex.getObjectFreeze(long id, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elementSource)
          Auxiliary function used in freeze to get objects directly from the DB, or by using an array of object ids.
protected  long AbstractBucketIndex.idMap(long id, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elementSource)
          If elementSource == null returns id, otherwise it returns elementSource[id]
 void AbstractBucketIndex.init(OBStoreFactory fact)
protected  void AbstractBucketIndex.initByteArrayBuckets()
          Initializes the bucket byte array storage.
 OperationStatus BucketContainer.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Inserts the given object with the given bucket details to this bucket.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketIndex.insertAux(long id, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketIndex.insertAuxBulk(long id, O object)
protected  OperationStatus AbstractBucketIndex.insertBucket(B b, O object)
          Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device.
protected  OperationStatus AbstractBucketIndex.insertBucketBulk(B b, O object)
          Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device.
 OperationStatus BucketContainer.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Inserts the given object with the given bucket details to this bucket.
protected abstract  BC AbstractBucketIndex.instantiateBucketContainer(byte[] data, byte[] address)
          Get a bucket container from the given data.
 Iterator<BC> AbstractBucketIndex.iterateBuckets()
          Useful iterator for buckets.
 void<O> q, B bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Same as, BucketObject, Filter, Statistics) but it forces the query AbstractOBQuery into the correct type.
 void query, B bucket, ByteBuffer b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Match the given query and bucket but only for one record found in b.
 void query, B bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Searches the given object with the given searchContainer parameters.
 byte[] BucketContainer.serialize()
          Serialize the bucket
 int BucketContainer.size()
          # of objects in this container.

Constructors in net.obsearch.index.bucket that throw OBException
AbstractBucketIndex(Class<O> type, IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int pivotCount)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.index.bucket.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.index.bucket.impl that throw OBException
static byte[] BucketObjectByte.convertTuple(OBByte object, OBByte[] pivots)
static double[] BucketObjectDouble.convertTuple(OBDouble object, OBDouble[] pivots)
static float[] BucketObjectFloat.convertTuple(OBFloat object, OBFloat[] pivots)
static int[] BucketObjectInt.convertTuple(OBInt object, OBInt[] pivots)
static long[] BucketObjectLong.convertTuple(OBLong object, OBLong[] pivots)
static short[] BucketObjectShort.convertTuple(OBShort object, OBShort[] pivots)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerByte.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerInt.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerShort.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerDouble.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerFloat.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerLong.delete(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerByte.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerInt.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerShort.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerDouble.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerFloat.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerLong.exists(B bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerByte.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerInt.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerShort.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerDouble.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerFloat.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerLong.insert(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerByte.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerInt.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerShort.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerDouble.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerFloat.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 OperationStatus AbstractBucketContainerLong.insertBulk(B bucket, O object)
          Insert the given bucket into the container.
 void<O> q, B bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, B bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, B bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, B bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, B bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, B bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, B b, ByteBuffer data, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, byte[] key1, byte[] key2, Statistics stats)
          Convenience method that forces the search to be performed on a certain key set.
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Searches the data by using a binary search to reduce SMAP vector computations.
 void<O> query, B b, ByteBuffer data, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, byte[] key1, byte[] key2, Statistics stats)
          Convenience method that forces the search to be performed on a certain key set.
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Searches the data by using a binary search to reduce SMAP vector computations.
 void<O> query, B b, ByteBuffer data, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, byte[] key1, byte[] key2, Statistics stats)
          Convenience method that forces the search to be performed on a certain key set.
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Searches the data by using a binary search to reduce SMAP vector computations.
 void<O> query, B b, ByteBuffer data, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, byte[] key1, byte[] key2, Statistics stats)
          Convenience method that forces the search to be performed on a certain key set.
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Searches the data by using a binary search to reduce SMAP vector computations.
 void<O> query, B b, ByteBuffer data, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, byte[] key1, byte[] key2, Statistics stats)
          Convenience method that forces the search to be performed on a certain key set.
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Searches the data by using a binary search to reduce SMAP vector computations.
 void<O> query, B b, ByteBuffer data, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, byte[] key1, byte[] key2, Statistics stats)
          Convenience method that forces the search to be performed on a certain key set.
 void<O> query, B b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
          Searches the data by using a binary search to reduce SMAP vector computations.
 int AbstractBucketContainerByte.size()
          Return the # of S-Map vectors in the bucket.
 int AbstractBucketContainerInt.size()
          Return the # of S-Map vectors in the bucket.
 int AbstractBucketContainerShort.size()
          Return the # of S-Map vectors in the bucket.
 int AbstractBucketContainerDouble.size()
          Return the # of S-Map vectors in the bucket.
 int AbstractBucketContainerFloat.size()
          Return the # of S-Map vectors in the bucket.
 int AbstractBucketContainerLong.size()
          Return the # of S-Map vectors in the bucket.

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.index.bucket.sleek

Methods in net.obsearch.index.bucket.sleek that throw OBException
 OperationStatus SleekBucketByte.delete(BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketDouble.delete(BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketFloat.delete(BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketInt.delete(BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketLong.delete(BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketShort.delete(BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketByte.exists(BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketDouble.exists(BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketFloat.exists(BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketInt.exists(BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketLong.exists(BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketShort.exists(BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketByte.insert(BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketDouble.insert(BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketFloat.insert(BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketInt.insert(BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketLong.insert(BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketShort.insert(BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketByte.insertBulk(BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketDouble.insertBulk(BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketFloat.insertBulk(BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketInt.insertBulk(BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketLong.insertBulk(BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, O object)
 OperationStatus SleekBucketShort.insertBulk(BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, O object)
 void SleekBucketDouble.parseData(int pivotCount, byte[] data)
          Parses the data from the given byte array.
 void SleekBucketFloat.parseData(int pivotCount, byte[] data)
          Parses the data from the given byte array.
 void SleekBucketLong.parseData(int pivotCount, byte[] data)
          Parses the data from the given byte array.
 void SleekBucketShort.parseData(int pivotCount, byte[] data)
          Parses the data from the given byte array.
 void SleekBucketInt.parseData(int pivotCount, byte[] data)
          Parses the data from the given byte array.
 void SleekBucketByte.parseData(int pivotCount, byte[] data)
          Parses the data from the given byte array.
 void<O> q, BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> q, BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, ByteBuffer b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectByte<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, ByteBuffer b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, ByteBuffer b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, ByteBuffer b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectInt<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, ByteBuffer b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectLong<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, ByteBuffer b, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 void<O> query, BucketObjectShort<O> bucket, Filter<O> filter, Statistics stats)
 byte[] SleekBucketDouble.serialize()
          Serialize the bucket into a stream of bytes.
 byte[] SleekBucketFloat.serialize()
          Serialize the bucket into a stream of bytes.
 byte[] SleekBucketLong.serialize()
          Serialize the bucket into a stream of bytes.
 byte[] SleekBucketShort.serialize()
          Serialize the bucket into a stream of bytes.
 byte[] SleekBucketInt.serialize()
          Serialize the bucket into a stream of bytes.
 byte[] SleekBucketByte.serialize()
          Serialize the bucket into a stream of bytes.

Constructors in net.obsearch.index.bucket.sleek that throw OBException
SleekBucketByte(Class<O> type, int pivots, byte[] data)
          Create a new SleekBucket based on the given data.
SleekBucketDouble(Class<O> type, int pivots, byte[] data)
          Create a new SleekBucket based on the given data.
SleekBucketFloat(Class<O> type, int pivots, byte[] data)
          Create a new SleekBucket based on the given data.
SleekBucketInt(Class<O> type, int pivots, byte[] data)
          Create a new SleekBucket based on the given data.
SleekBucketLong(Class<O> type, int pivots, byte[] data)
          Create a new SleekBucket based on the given data.
SleekBucketShort(Class<O> type, int pivots, byte[] data)
          Create a new SleekBucket based on the given data.

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.index.ghs

Methods in net.obsearch.index.ghs that throw OBException
 void CompressedBitSet64.add(long bit)
          Add the ith bit to this bitset.
 void CompressedBitSet64.commit()
          We will stop adding values and now we will use the bit set for search.
 void AbstractSketch64.debugDist()
 void AbstractSketch64.freeze()
 long[] CompressedBitSet64.searchBuckets(long query, int maxF, int m)
          Search the maxF closest buckets by hamming distance for the given query
 List<OBResultInvertedByte<Long>> CompressedBitSet64.searchFull(long query)
          Search the entire bitset.

Constructors in net.obsearch.index.ghs that throw OBException
AbstractSketch64(Class<O> type, IncrementalPairPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int m, int bucketPivotCount)
          Create a new compressed bit set.

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.index.ghs.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.index.ghs.impl that throw OBException
protected  double Sketch64Float.distance(O a, O b)
protected  double Sketch64Double.distance(O a, O b)
protected  double Sketch64Byte.distance(O a, O b)
protected  double Sketch64Long.distance(O a, O b)
protected  double Sketch64Int.distance(O a, O b)
protected  double Sketch64Short.distance(O a, O b)
 float[] Sketch64Float.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 double[] Sketch64Double.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 byte[] Sketch64Byte.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 long[] Sketch64Long.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 int[] Sketch64Int.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 short[] Sketch64Short.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 BucketObjectFloat<O> Sketch64Float.getBucket(O object)
 BucketObjectDouble<O> Sketch64Double.getBucket(O object)
 BucketObjectByte<O> Sketch64Byte.getBucket(O object)
 BucketObjectLong<O> Sketch64Long.getBucket(O object)
 BucketObjectInt<O> Sketch64Int.getBucket(O object)
 BucketObjectShort<O> Sketch64Short.getBucket(O object)
protected  AbstractOBQuery<O> Sketch64Float.getKQuery(O object, int k)
protected  AbstractOBQuery<O> Sketch64Double.getKQuery(O object, int k)
protected  AbstractOBQuery<O> Sketch64Byte.getKQuery(O object, int k)
protected  AbstractOBQuery<O> Sketch64Long.getKQuery(O object, int k)
protected  AbstractOBQuery<O> Sketch64Int.getKQuery(O object, int k)
protected  AbstractOBQuery<O> Sketch64Short.getKQuery(O object, int k)
 SketchProjection Sketch64Byte.getProjection(BucketObjectByte<O> bucket)
          Compute the sketch for the given object.
 SketchProjection Sketch64Double.getProjection(BucketObjectDouble<O> bucket)
          Compute the sketch for the given object.
 SketchProjection Sketch64Float.getProjection(BucketObjectFloat<O> bucket)
          Compute the sketch for the given object.
 SketchProjection Sketch64Int.getProjection(BucketObjectInt<O> bucket)
          Compute the sketch for the given object.
 SketchProjection Sketch64Long.getProjection(BucketObjectLong<O> bucket)
          Compute the sketch for the given object.
 SketchProjection Sketch64Short.getProjection(BucketObjectShort<O> bucket)
          Compute the sketch for the given object.
protected  SleekBucketFloat<O> Sketch64Float.instantiateBucketContainer(byte[] data, byte[] address)
protected  SleekBucketDouble<O> Sketch64Double.instantiateBucketContainer(byte[] data, byte[] address)
protected  SleekBucketByte<O> Sketch64Byte.instantiateBucketContainer(byte[] data, byte[] address)
protected  SleekBucketLong<O> Sketch64Long.instantiateBucketContainer(byte[] data, byte[] address)
protected  SleekBucketInt<O> Sketch64Int.instantiateBucketContainer(byte[] data, byte[] address)
protected  SleekBucketShort<O> Sketch64Short.instantiateBucketContainer(byte[] data, byte[] address)
protected  void Sketch64Float.maxKEstimationAux(O object)
          Get the kMax closest objects.
protected  void Sketch64Double.maxKEstimationAux(O object)
          Get the kMax closest objects.
protected  void Sketch64Byte.maxKEstimationAux(O object)
          Get the kMax closest objects.
protected  void Sketch64Long.maxKEstimationAux(O object)
          Get the kMax closest objects.
protected  void Sketch64Int.maxKEstimationAux(O object)
          Get the kMax closest objects.
protected  void Sketch64Short.maxKEstimationAux(O object)
          Get the kMax closest objects.
 void Sketch64Byte.searchOB(O object, byte r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
 void Sketch64Byte.searchOB(O object, byte r, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
 void Sketch64Double.searchOB(O object, double r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
 void Sketch64Double.searchOB(O object, double r, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
 void Sketch64Float.searchOB(O object, float r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
 void Sketch64Float.searchOB(O object, float r, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
 void Sketch64Int.searchOB(O object, int r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
 void Sketch64Int.searchOB(O object, int r, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
 void Sketch64Long.searchOB(O object, long r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
 void Sketch64Long.searchOB(O object, long r, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
 void Sketch64Short.searchOB(O object, short r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)
 void Sketch64Short.searchOB(O object, short r, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)

Constructors in net.obsearch.index.ghs.impl that throw OBException
Sketch64Byte(Class<O> type, IncrementalPairPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int m)
          Create a new Sketch64Byte with m bytes.
Sketch64Double(Class<O> type, IncrementalPairPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int m)
          Create a new Sketch64Double with m bytes.
Sketch64Float(Class<O> type, IncrementalPairPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int m)
          Create a new Sketch64Float with m bytes.
Sketch64Int(Class<O> type, IncrementalPairPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int m)
          Create a new Sketch64Int with m bytes.
Sketch64Long(Class<O> type, IncrementalPairPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int m)
          Create a new Sketch64Long with m bytes.
Sketch64Short(Class<O> type, IncrementalPairPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int m)
          Create a new Sketch64Short with m bytes.

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.index.perm

Methods in net.obsearch.index.perm that throw OBException
 void AbstractDistancePermutations.freeze()
 void AbstractDistPerm.freeze()
protected  void AbstractDistancePermutations.loadPermutations()

Constructors in net.obsearch.index.perm that throw OBException
AbstractDistancePermutations(Class<O> type, IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int pivotCount)
AbstractDistPerm(Class<O> type, IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int pivotCount, int bucketPivotCount)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.index.perm.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.index.perm.impl that throw OBException
 double[] DistPermDouble.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 short[] DistPermShort.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 float[] DistPermFloat.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 long[] DistPermLong.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 int[] DistPermInt.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 byte[] DistPermByte.fullMatchLite(O query, boolean filterSame)
          This method returns a list of all the distances of the query against the DB.
 BucketObjectDouble<O> DistPermDouble.getBucket(O object)
 BucketObjectShort<O> DistPermShort.getBucket(O object)
 BucketObjectFloat<O> DistPermFloat.getBucket(O object)
 BucketObjectLong<O> DistPermLong.getBucket(O object)
 BucketObjectInt<O> DistPermInt.getBucket(O object)
 BucketObjectByte<O> DistPermByte.getBucket(O object)
protected  AbstractOBQuery<O> DistPermDouble.getKQuery(O object, int k)
protected  AbstractOBQuery<O> DistPermShort.getKQuery(O object, int k)
protected  AbstractOBQuery<O> DistPermFloat.getKQuery(O object, int k)
protected  AbstractOBQuery<O> DistPermLong.getKQuery(O object, int k)
protected  AbstractOBQuery<O> DistPermInt.getKQuery(O object, int k)
protected  AbstractOBQuery<O> DistPermByte.getKQuery(O object, int k)
protected  PermProjection DistPermByte.getProjection(BucketObjectByte<O> b)
protected  PermProjection DistPermDouble.getProjection(BucketObjectDouble<O> b)
protected  PermProjection DistPermFloat.getProjection(BucketObjectFloat<O> b)
protected  PermProjection DistPermInt.getProjection(BucketObjectInt<O> b)
protected  PermProjection DistPermLong.getProjection(BucketObjectLong<O> b)
protected  PermProjection DistPermShort.getProjection(BucketObjectShort<O> b)
protected  SleekBucketDouble<O> DistPermDouble.instantiateBucketContainer(byte[] data, byte[] address)
protected  SleekBucketShort<O> DistPermShort.instantiateBucketContainer(byte[] data, byte[] address)
protected  SleekBucketFloat<O> DistPermFloat.instantiateBucketContainer(byte[] data, byte[] address)
protected  SleekBucketLong<O> DistPermLong.instantiateBucketContainer(byte[] data, byte[] address)
protected  SleekBucketInt<O> DistPermInt.instantiateBucketContainer(byte[] data, byte[] address)
protected  SleekBucketByte<O> DistPermByte.instantiateBucketContainer(byte[] data, byte[] address)
protected  void DistPermDouble.maxKEstimationAux(O object)
protected  void DistPermShort.maxKEstimationAux(O object)
protected  void DistPermFloat.maxKEstimationAux(O object)
protected  void DistPermLong.maxKEstimationAux(O object)
protected  void DistPermInt.maxKEstimationAux(O object)
protected  void DistPermByte.maxKEstimationAux(O object)
 void DistPermByte.searchOB(O object, byte r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
 void DistPermByte.searchOB(O object, byte r, OBPriorityQueueByte<O> result)
 void DistPermDouble.searchOB(O object, double r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
 void DistPermDouble.searchOB(O object, double r, OBPriorityQueueDouble<O> result)
 void DistPermFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
 void DistPermFloat.searchOB(O object, float r, OBPriorityQueueFloat<O> result)
 void DistPermInt.searchOB(O object, int r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
 void DistPermInt.searchOB(O object, int r, OBPriorityQueueInt<O> result)
 void DistPermLong.searchOB(O object, long r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
 void DistPermLong.searchOB(O object, long r, OBPriorityQueueLong<O> result)
 void DistPermShort.searchOB(O object, short r, Filter<O> filter, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)
 void DistPermShort.searchOB(O object, short r, OBPriorityQueueShort<O> result)

Constructors in net.obsearch.index.perm.impl that throw OBException
DistPermByte(Class<O> type, IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int pivotCount, int bucketPivotCount)
DistPermDouble(Class<O> type, IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int pivotCount, int bucketPivotCount)
DistPermFloat(Class<O> type, IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int pivotCount, int bucketPivotCount)
DistPermInt(Class<O> type, IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int pivotCount, int bucketPivotCount)
DistPermLong(Class<O> type, IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int pivotCount, int bucketPivotCount)
DistPermShort(Class<O> type, IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int pivotCount, int bucketPivotCount)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.index.pivot

Methods in net.obsearch.index.pivot that throw OBException
protected  double AbstractPivotOBIndex.calculateIntrinsicDimensionality()
          Calculates the intrinsic dimensionality of the inserted dataset.
 void AbstractPivotOBIndex.freeze()
protected  O[] AbstractPivotOBIndex.getObjects(long[] ids)
          Stores the given pivots in a local array.
 void AbstractPivotOBIndex.init(OBStoreFactory fact)
 void AbstractPivotOBIndex.init(OBStoreFactory fact)
protected  PivotResult AbstractPivotOBIndex.selectPivots(int pivotCount, IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector)
          Override this method if selection must be changed

Constructors in net.obsearch.index.pivot that throw OBException
AbstractPivotOBIndex(Class<O> type, IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector, int pivotCount)
          Creates an index that uses pivots as its major data partitioning strategy.

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.index.sorter

Methods in net.obsearch.index.sorter that throw OBException
 void AbstractBucketSorter.bucketStats()
protected  void AbstractBucketSorter.calculateEstimators()
          Calculate the estimators.
 void AbstractBucketSorter.close()
 int AbstractBucketSorter.estimateK(int queryK)
          Estimate the k needed for a k-nn query.
protected  void AbstractBucketSorter.freezeDefault()
 byte[] AbstractBucketSorter.getAddress(B bucket)
 List<O> AbstractBucketSorter.getAllObjects()
          Returns a list of all the objects of this index.
protected  BC AbstractBucketSorter.getBucketContainer(byte[] id)
protected abstract  AbstractOBQuery<O> AbstractBucketSorter.getKQuery(O object, int k)
          Returns a k query for the given object.
protected abstract  P AbstractBucketSorter.getProjection(B b)
 void AbstractBucketSorter.init(OBStoreFactory fact)
protected  void AbstractBucketSorter.initByteArrayBuckets()
protected  void AbstractBucketSorter.initCache()
protected  OperationStatus AbstractBucketSorter.insertBucket(B b, O object)
          Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device.
protected  OperationStatus AbstractBucketSorter.insertBucketBulk(B b, O object)
          Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device.
protected  void AbstractBucketSorter.loadMasks()
          Load the masks from the storage device into memory.
protected  void AbstractBucketSorter.maxKEstimation()
          Sort all masks, and then start the search until the CompoundError is less than some threshold.
protected abstract  void AbstractBucketSorter.maxKEstimationAux(O object)
          Estimate ks for the given query object and the given list of objects.
protected  List<P> AbstractBucketSorter.searchBuckets(P query, int maxF)
          Search the f closest buckets to the given query.

Constructors in net.obsearch.index.sorter that throw OBException
AbstractBucketSorter(Class type, IncrementalPivotSelector pivotSelector, int pivotCount, int bucketPivotCount)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.index.utils

Methods in net.obsearch.index.utils that throw OBException
protected  void AbstractCommandLine.add()
protected  void AbstractNewLineCommandLine.addObjects(I index, File load)
protected  void AbstractNewLineBytesCommandLine.addObjects(I index, File load)
protected abstract  void AbstractCommandLine.addObjects(I index, File load)
          Adds objects to the index.
protected  void AbstractCommandLine.create()
 O OBFactory.create(String x)
          Creates a new object from the given String.
protected  String IndexSmokeTUtil.debug(Iterator<OBResultShort<O>> it, Index<O> index)
          Prints debug info for the given priority queue.
protected  String IndexSmokeTUtil.debug(OBPriorityQueueShort<O> q, Index<O> index)
protected abstract  org.opt4j.core.problem.Creator<org.opt4j.benchmark.DoubleString> AbstractCommandLine.getCreator()
          Returns the creator used to generate new configurations for this index.
protected abstract  O AbstractNewLineBytesCommandLine.instantiate(byte[] line)
          Instantiate an object from a fixed byte array;
protected abstract  O AbstractNewLineCommandLine.instantiate(String line)
          Instantiate an object from a string.
protected  O AbstractNewLineBytesCommandLine.instantiate(String line)
          Instantiate an object from a string.
protected abstract  A AbstractCommandLine.instantiateAmbient(File dbFolder)
protected abstract  A AbstractCommandLine.instantiateNewAmbient(File dbFolder)
protected  boolean AbstractNewLineCommandLine.isValidObject(O object)
          Override this if some objects should not be accepted.
protected  void
          Perform one search for a given k and r.
protected  Pair<Statistics,Statistics> AbstractCommandLine.searchAux()
protected  void AbstractNewLineCommandLineShort.searchObject(I index, O object, Statistics other)
protected abstract  void AbstractNewLineCommandLine.searchObject(I index, O object, Statistics other)
          The subclass implements this method and decides to print or do something with the result.
protected  void AbstractNewLineCommandLineShort.searchObjectApprox(I index, O object, Statistics other)
protected abstract  void AbstractNewLineCommandLine.searchObjectApprox(I index, O object, Statistics other)
          Search object in approx mode.
protected  void AbstractNewLineCommandLine.searchObjects(I index, File load, Statistics other)
protected  void AbstractNewLineBytesCommandLine.searchObjects(I index, File load, Statistics other)
protected abstract  void AbstractCommandLine.searchObjects(I index, File query, Statistics other)
          Opens a query file and queries the index storing all the results there.
 void IndexSmokeTUtilApprox.searchSequential(long max, O o, ArrayList<OBResultShort<O>> result, IndexShort<O> index, short range)
          Sequential search.
 boolean OBFactory.shouldProcess(O obj)
          Returns true if we should process (add / search) the given object.

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.ob

Methods in net.obsearch.ob that throw OBException
 byte OBByte.distance(OBByte object)
          Calculates the similarity of "this" and "object".
 double OBDouble.distance(OBDouble object)
          Calculates the similarity of "this" and "object".
 float OBFloat.distance(OBFloat object)
          Calculates the similarity of "this" and "object".
 int OBInt.distance(OBInt object)
          Calculates the similarity of "this" and "object".
 long OBLong.distance(OBLong object)
          Calculates the similarity of "this" and "object".
 short OBShort.distance(OBShort object)
          Calculates the similarity of "this" and "object".

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.pivots

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots that throw OBException
 boolean AcceptAll.canBeUsedAsPivot(O object)
 boolean Pivotable.canBeUsedAsPivot(O object)
          Returns true if the given object can be used as a pivot.
 PivotResult IncrementalPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount, Index<O> index)
          Generates pivots from all the elements found in the DB.
 PivotResult AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotsCount, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult IncrementalPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
          Generates pivots from the elements (object ids) given in the array elements.
abstract  PivotResult AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotPairResult<O> IncrementalPairPivotSelector.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount, Index<O> index)
          Generates pivots from all the elements found in the DB.
 PivotPairResult<O> IncrementalPairPivotSelector.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
          Generates pivots from the elements (object ids) given in the array elements.
protected  O AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.getObject(long i, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
          Returns the given object.
protected  long[] k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<O> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes)
          Selects k random elements from the given source.
protected  O[] AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.selectO(int k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<O> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes)
protected  long[] AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.selectUnique(int k, Random r, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source, Index<O> index, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.pivots.bustos

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.bustos that throw OBException
protected abstract  double AbstractIncrementalBustosNavarroChavez.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
          Calculates the median of L-inf(x[i], y[i]) based on pivots
 PivotResult AbstractIncrementalBustosNavarroChavez.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
protected abstract  boolean AbstractIncrementalBustosNavarroChavez.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
          Validates that the lower layers have been processing everything fine.

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.pivots.bustos.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.bustos.impl that throw OBException
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezLong.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezByte.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezDouble.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezShort.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezInt.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  double IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezFloat.calculateMedian(long[] pivots, long[] x, long[] y, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezLong.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezByte.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezDouble.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezShort.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezInt.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)
protected  boolean IncrementalBustosNavarroChavezFloat.validatePivots(long[] pivots, long id, Index<O> index)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.pivots.dummy

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.dummy that throw OBException
 PivotResult IncrementalFixedPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount, Index index)
 PivotResult IncrementalDummyPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult IncrementalFixedPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index index)
 PivotResult IncrementalDummyPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.pivots.kmeans.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.kmeans.impl that throw OBException
 PivotResult IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorInt.generatePivots(int pivotsCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorFloat.generatePivots(int pivotsCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorLong.generatePivots(int pivotsCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorByte.generatePivots(int pivotsCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorDouble.generatePivots(int pivotsCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorShort.generatePivots(int pivotsCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.pivots.perm

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.perm that throw OBException
protected abstract  double AbstractIncrementalPerm.distance(O a, O b)
 PivotResult AbstractIncrementalPerm.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 void PermHolderDouble.set(short pivotId, PerDouble newPerm)
          set the given pivot id with the new permutation

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.pivots.perm.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.perm.impl that throw OBException
protected  double IncrementalPermFloat.distance(O a, O b)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.pivots.random

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.random that throw OBException
 PivotResult RandomPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.pivots.rf02

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.rf02 that throw OBException
protected  double RF02PivotSelectorShort.distance(O a, O b)
protected  double RF02PivotSelectorFloat.distance(O a, O b)
protected abstract  double AbstractIncrementalRF02.distance(O a, O b)
 PivotResult RF02PivotSelectorShort.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF02PivotSelectorFloat.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotPairResult<O> AbstractIncrementalRF02.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount, Index<O> index)
 PivotPairResult<O> AbstractIncrementalRF02.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.pivots.rf03

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.rf03 that throw OBException
protected  double RF03PivotSelectorShort.distance(O a, O b)
protected  double RF03PivotSelectorFloat.distance(O a, O b)
protected  double RF03PivotSelectorLong.distance(O a, O b)
protected abstract  double AbstractIncrementalRF03.distance(O a, O b)
 PivotResult RF03PivotSelectorShort.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF03PivotSelectorFloat.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF03PivotSelectorLong.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotPairResult<O> AbstractIncrementalRF03.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount, Index<O> index)
 PivotPairResult<O> AbstractIncrementalRF03.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.pivots.rf04

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.rf04 that throw OBException
protected  double RF04PivotSelectorFloat.distance(O a, O b)
protected  double RF04PivotSelectorInt.distance(O a, O b)
protected  double RF04PivotSelectorShort.distance(O a, O b)
protected abstract  double AbstractIncrementalRF04.distance(O a, O b)
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorFloat.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorInt.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorShort.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotPairResult<O> AbstractIncrementalRF04.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount, Index<O> index)
 PivotPairResult<O> AbstractIncrementalRF04.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.pivots.rf04.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.rf04.impl that throw OBException
protected  double RF04PivotSelectorFloat.distance(O a, O b)
protected  double RF04PivotSelectorLong.distance(O a, O b)
protected  double RF04PivotSelectorDouble.distance(O a, O b)
protected  double RF04PivotSelectorShort.distance(O a, O b)
protected  double RF04PivotSelectorInt.distance(O a, O b)
protected  double RF04PivotSelectorByte.distance(O a, O b)
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorFloat.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorLong.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorDouble.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorShort.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorInt.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)
 PivotResult RF04PivotSelectorByte.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.pivots.sss

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.sss that throw OBException
protected abstract  double AbstractMySSS.distance(O o1, O o2)
 PivotResult AbstractMySSS.generatePivots(int pivotCount, cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements, Index<O> index)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.pivots.sss.impl

Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.sss.impl that throw OBException
protected  double SSSByte.distance(O o1, O o2)
protected  double SSSInt.distance(O o1, O o2)
protected  double SSSDouble.distance(O o1, O o2)
protected  double SSSLong.distance(O o1, O o2)
protected  double SSSShort.distance(O o1, O o2)
protected  double SSSFloat.distance(O o1, O o2)

Uses of OBException in net.obsearch.query

Methods in net.obsearch.query that throw OBException
 boolean OBQueryByte.add(long id, O object)
 boolean OBQueryDouble.add(long id, O object)
 boolean OBQueryFloat.add(long id, O object)
 boolean OBQueryLong.add(long id, O object)
 boolean OBQueryShort.add(long id, O object)
 boolean OBQueryInt.add(long id, O object)
abstract  boolean AbstractOBQuery.add(long id, O object)
          Adds an object into the queue.
 double OBQueryByte.approx(byte[] dbin)
          Calculate the 1 + E or (c for Adonis et al) for approx.
 double OBQueryDouble.approx(double[] dbin)
          Calculate the 1 + E or (c for Adonis et al) for approx.
 double OBQueryFloat.approx(float[] dbin)
          Calculate the 1 + E or (c for Adonis et al) for approx.
 double OBQueryInt.approx(int[] dbin)
          Calculate the 1 + E or (c for Adonis et al) for approx.
 double OBQueryLong.approx(long[] dbin)
          Calculate the 1 + E or (c for Adonis et al) for approx.
 double OBQueryShort.approx(short[] dbin)
          Calculate the 1 + E or (c for Adonis et al) for approx.
 byte OBQueryByte.peek()
          peek to the largest value if the queue is full.
 double OBQueryDouble.peek()
          peek to the largest value if the queue is full.
 float OBQueryFloat.peek()
          peek to the largest value if the queue is full.
 long OBQueryLong.peek()
          peek to the largest value if the queue is full.
 short OBQueryShort.peek()
          peek to the largest value if the queue is full.
 int OBQueryInt.peek()
          peek to the largest value if the queue is full.

Uses of OBException in

Methods in that throw OBException
 void CloseIterator.closeCursor()
 OBStore<TupleBytes> OBStoreFactory.createOBStore(String name, OBStorageConfig config)
          Creates a generic OBStore.
 OBStoreByte OBStoreFactory.createOBStoreByte(String name, OBStorageConfig config)
          Creates an OBStoreByte whose key is based on bytes.
 OBStoreDouble OBStoreFactory.createOBStoreDouble(String name, OBStorageConfig config)
          Creates an OBStoreDouble whose key is based on doubles.
 OBStoreFloat OBStoreFactory.createOBStoreFloat(String name, OBStorageConfig config)
          Creates an OBStoreFloat whose key is based on floats.
 OBStoreInt OBStoreFactory.createOBStoreInt(String name, OBStorageConfig config)
          Creates an OBStoreInt whose key is based on ints.
 OBStoreLong OBStoreFactory.createOBStoreLong(String name, OBStorageConfig config)
          Creates an OBStoreLong whose key is based on longs.
 OBStoreShort OBStoreFactory.createOBStoreShort(String name, OBStorageConfig config)
          Creates an OBStoreShort whose key is based on shorts.
 OperationStatus OBStore.delete(byte[] key)
          Deletes the given key and its corresponding value from the database.
 Object OBStore.getStats()
          Return the stats of this object (to be printed for the user)
 byte[] OBStore.getValue(byte[] key)
          Returns the associated value for the given key.
 CloseIterator<T> OBStore.processAll()
          Process all the elements in the DB.
 OperationStatus OBStore.put(byte[] key, byte[] value)
          Inserts the key value pair.
 void OBStoreFactory.removeOBStore(OBStore storage)
          Removes all indexes and structures related to the given storage device.
static void StorageValidationByte.validate(OBStoreByte storage)
          Validates a Storage for shorts.
static void StorageValidationDouble.validate(OBStoreDouble storage)
          Validates a Storage for shorts.
static void StorageValidationFloat.validate(OBStoreFloat storage)
          Validates a Storage for shorts.
static void StorageValidationInt.validate(OBStoreInt storage)
          Validates a Storage for shorts.
static void StorageValidationLong.validate(OBStoreLong storage)
          Validates a Storage for shorts.
static void StorageValidationShort.validate(OBStoreShort storage)
          Validates a Storage for shorts.
static void StorageValidationByte.validateDuplicates(OBStoreByte storage)
          Validates a Storage for shorts.
static void StorageValidationDouble.validateDuplicates(OBStoreDouble storage)
          Validates a Storage for shorts.
static void StorageValidationFloat.validateDuplicates(OBStoreFloat storage)
          Validates a Storage for shorts.
static void StorageValidationInt.validateDuplicates(OBStoreInt storage)
          Validates a Storage for shorts.
static void StorageValidationLong.validateDuplicates(OBStoreLong storage)
          Validates a Storage for shorts.
static void StorageValidationShort.validateDuplicates(OBStoreShort storage)
          Validates a Storage for shorts.

Uses of OBException in

Methods in that throw OBException
 void AbstractBDBOBStoreJe.CursorIterator.closeCursor()

Uses of OBException in

Methods in that throw OBException
 void AbstractTCOBStorage.CursorIterator.closeCursor()
 OBStore<TupleBytes> TCFactory.createOBStore(String name, OBStorageConfig config)
 OBStoreByte TCFactory.createOBStoreByte(String name, OBStorageConfig config)
 OBStoreDouble TCFactory.createOBStoreDouble(String name, OBStorageConfig config)
 OBStoreFloat TCFactory.createOBStoreFloat(String name, OBStorageConfig config)
 OBStoreInt TCFactory.createOBStoreInt(String name, OBStorageConfig config)
 OBStoreLong TCFactory.createOBStoreLong(String name, OBStorageConfig config)
 OBStoreShort TCFactory.createOBStoreShort(String name, OBStorageConfig config)
 Object AbstractTCOBStorage.getStats()
 void TCFactory.removeOBStore(OBStore storage)

Constructors in that throw OBException
AbstractTCOBStorage(String name, tokyocabinet.DBM db, OBStoreFactory fact, OBStorageConfig storageConf)
          Builds a new Storage system by receiving a Berkeley DB database.
TCOBStorageBytesArray(String name, tokyocabinet.DBM db, OBStoreFactory fact, OBStorageConfig conf)
          Builds a new Storage system by receiving a Berkeley DB database.
TCOBStorageLong(String name, tokyocabinet.DBM db, OBStoreFactory fact, OBStorageConfig storageConf)
          Builds a new Storage system by receiving a Berkeley DB database that uses longs as a primary indexing method.

Copyright © 2007-2011 Arnoldo Jose Muller Molina. All Rights Reserved.