Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch |
Methods in net.obsearch that throw OBStorageException | |
long |
Returns the database size. |
OperationStatus |
Index.delete(O object)
Deletes the given object from the database. |
OperationStatus |
Index.exists(O object)
Returns true if the given object exists in the database. |
void |
Freezes the index. |
Statistics |
void |
Index.init(OBStoreFactory fact)
This method *must* be called after de-serializing the database object and after instantiating the index. |
OperationStatus |
Index.insert(O object)
Inserts the given object into the index. |
OperationStatus |
Index.insert(O object,
long id)
Inserts the given object into the index. |
OperationStatus |
Index.insertBulk(O object)
Inserts the given object into the index. |
OperationStatus |
Index.insertBulk(O object,
long id)
Inserts the given object into the index. |
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.ambient |
Methods in net.obsearch.ambient that throw OBStorageException | |
protected abstract OBStoreFactory |
AbstractAmbient.createFactory(File factoryDirectory)
Creates the factory in the given folder. |
void |
void |
Freezes the index and stores the metadata of the index (the index itself) in the DB. |
Constructors in net.obsearch.ambient that throw OBStorageException | |
AbstractAmbient(File directory)
Constructor to be used after a freeze took place. |
AbstractAmbient(I index,
File directory)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.ambient.bdb |
Methods in net.obsearch.ambient.bdb that throw OBStorageException | |
protected BDBFactoryJe |
AmbientBDBJe.createFactory(File factoryDirectory)
Constructors in net.obsearch.ambient.bdb that throw OBStorageException | |
AmbientBDBJe(File directory)
AmbientBDBJe(I index,
File directory)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.ambient.tc |
Methods in net.obsearch.ambient.tc that throw OBStorageException | |
protected TCFactory |
AmbientTC.createFactory(File factoryDirectory)
Constructors in net.obsearch.ambient.tc that throw OBStorageException | |
AmbientTC(File directory)
AmbientTC(I index,
File directory)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.asserts |
Methods in net.obsearch.asserts that throw OBStorageException | |
static void |
OBAsserts.chkAssertStorage(boolean condition,
String msg)
static void |
OBAsserts.chkFileExists(File file)
Checks that the given file exists, otherwise throws an IOException |
static void |
OBAsserts.chkFileExists(String file)
static void |
OBAsserts.chkFileNotExists(File file)
static void |
OBAsserts.chkFileNotExists(String file)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.cache |
Methods in net.obsearch.cache that throw OBStorageException | |
long |
Returns the size of the DB |
O |
OBCacheHandlerByteArray.loadObject(byte[] key)
Load an object with the given key from secondary storage. |
O |
OBCacheHandlerLong.loadObject(long key)
Load the object with key (key) from secondary storage. |
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.dimension |
Methods in net.obsearch.dimension that throw OBStorageException | |
static int |
AbstractDimension.max(cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source,
Index index)
Returns the max # of elements. |
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.example |
Methods in net.obsearch.example that throw OBStorageException | |
protected abstract void |
void |
AbstractExampleGeneral.doIt(String[] args)
protected abstract void |
Constructors in net.obsearch.example that throw OBStorageException | |
AbstractExampleGeneral(String[] args)
AbstractGHSExample(String[] args)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.index |
Methods in net.obsearch.index that throw OBStorageException | |
long |
void |
Statistics |
void |
AbstractOBIndex.init(OBStoreFactory fact)
Initialize the index. |
protected void |
Initializes storage devices required by this class. |
OperationStatus |
AbstractOBIndex.insert(O object)
OperationStatus |
AbstractOBIndex.insert(O object,
long id)
protected abstract OperationStatus |
AbstractOBIndex.insertAux(long id,
O object)
Inserts the given object into the particular index. |
protected abstract OperationStatus |
AbstractOBIndex.insertAuxBulk(long id,
O object)
Inserts the given object into the particular index. |
OperationStatus |
AbstractOBIndex.insertBulk(O object)
OperationStatus |
AbstractOBIndex.insertBulk(O object,
long id)
Constructors in net.obsearch.index that throw OBStorageException | |
AbstractOBIndex(Class<O> type)
Constructors of an AbstractOBIndex should receive only parameters related to the operation of the index. |
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.index.aesa |
Methods in net.obsearch.index.aesa that throw OBStorageException | |
long |
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.index.aesa.impl |
Methods in net.obsearch.index.aesa.impl that throw OBStorageException | |
OperationStatus |
AesaFloat.delete(O object)
OperationStatus |
AesaFloat.exists(O object)
Statistics |
void |
AesaFloat.init(OBStoreFactory fact)
OperationStatus |
AesaFloat.insert(O object,
long id)
OperationStatus |
AesaFloat.insertBulk(O object)
OperationStatus |
AesaFloat.insertBulk(O object,
long id)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.index.bucket |
Methods in net.obsearch.index.bucket that throw OBStorageException | |
protected void |
void |
AbstractBucketIndex.init(OBStoreFactory fact)
protected OperationStatus |
AbstractBucketIndex.insertBucket(B b,
O object)
Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device. |
protected OperationStatus |
AbstractBucketIndex.insertBucketBulk(B b,
O object)
Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device. |
Iterator<BC> |
Useful iterator for buckets. |
Constructors in net.obsearch.index.bucket that throw OBStorageException | |
AbstractBucketIndex(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int pivotCount)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.index.ghs |
Methods in net.obsearch.index.ghs that throw OBStorageException | |
void |
Constructors in net.obsearch.index.ghs that throw OBStorageException | |
AbstractSketch64(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPairPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int m,
int bucketPivotCount)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.index.ghs.impl |
Constructors in net.obsearch.index.ghs.impl that throw OBStorageException | |
Sketch64Byte(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPairPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int m)
Create a new Sketch64Byte with m bytes. |
Sketch64Double(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPairPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int m)
Create a new Sketch64Double with m bytes. |
Sketch64Float(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPairPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int m)
Create a new Sketch64Float with m bytes. |
Sketch64Int(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPairPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int m)
Create a new Sketch64Int with m bytes. |
Sketch64Long(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPairPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int m)
Create a new Sketch64Long with m bytes. |
Sketch64Short(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPairPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int m)
Create a new Sketch64Short with m bytes. |
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.index.perm |
Methods in net.obsearch.index.perm that throw OBStorageException | |
void |
protected void |
Constructors in net.obsearch.index.perm that throw OBStorageException | |
AbstractDistancePermutations(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int pivotCount)
AbstractDistPerm(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int pivotCount,
int bucketPivotCount)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.index.perm.impl |
Constructors in net.obsearch.index.perm.impl that throw OBStorageException | |
DistPermByte(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int pivotCount,
int bucketPivotCount)
DistPermDouble(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int pivotCount,
int bucketPivotCount)
DistPermFloat(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int pivotCount,
int bucketPivotCount)
DistPermInt(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int pivotCount,
int bucketPivotCount)
DistPermLong(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int pivotCount,
int bucketPivotCount)
DistPermShort(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int pivotCount,
int bucketPivotCount)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.index.pivot |
Methods in net.obsearch.index.pivot that throw OBStorageException | |
void |
void |
AbstractPivotOBIndex.init(OBStoreFactory fact)
protected PivotResult |
AbstractPivotOBIndex.selectPivots(int pivotCount,
IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector)
Override this method if selection must be changed |
Constructors in net.obsearch.index.pivot that throw OBStorageException | |
AbstractPivotOBIndex(Class<O> type,
IncrementalPivotSelector<O> pivotSelector,
int pivotCount)
Creates an index that uses pivots as its major data partitioning strategy. |
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.index.sorter |
Methods in net.obsearch.index.sorter that throw OBStorageException | |
void |
void |
AbstractBucketSorter.init(OBStoreFactory fact)
protected OperationStatus |
AbstractBucketSorter.insertBucket(B b,
O object)
Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device. |
protected OperationStatus |
AbstractBucketSorter.insertBucketBulk(B b,
O object)
Stores the given bucket b into the AbstractBucketIndex.Buckets storage device. |
Constructors in net.obsearch.index.sorter that throw OBStorageException | |
AbstractBucketSorter(Class type,
IncrementalPivotSelector pivotSelector,
int pivotCount,
int bucketPivotCount)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.index.utils |
Methods in net.obsearch.index.utils that throw OBStorageException | |
protected void |
protected void |
AbstractNewLineCommandLine.addObjects(I index,
File load)
protected void |
AbstractNewLineBytesCommandLine.addObjects(I index,
File load)
protected abstract void |
AbstractCommandLine.addObjects(I index,
File load)
Adds objects to the index. |
protected void |
double |
IndexSmokeTUtilApprox.ep(OBPriorityQueueShort<O> x1,
List<OBResultShort<O>> db,
IndexShort<O> index)
protected abstract A |
AbstractCommandLine.instantiateAmbient(File dbFolder)
protected abstract A |
AbstractCommandLine.instantiateNewAmbient(File dbFolder)
protected void |
Perform one search for a given k and r. |
protected Pair<Statistics,Statistics> |
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.pivots |
Methods in net.obsearch.pivots that throw OBStorageException | |
PivotResult |
IncrementalPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
Index<O> index)
Generates pivots from all the elements found in the DB. |
PivotResult |
AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotsCount,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
IncrementalPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
Generates pivots from the elements (object ids) given in the array elements. |
abstract PivotResult |
AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotPairResult<O> |
IncrementalPairPivotSelector.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount,
Index<O> index)
Generates pivots from all the elements found in the DB. |
PivotPairResult<O> |
IncrementalPairPivotSelector.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
Generates pivots from the elements (object ids) given in the array elements. |
protected int |
AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.max(cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source,
Index<O> index)
Returns the max # of elements. |
protected long[] |
AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.select(int k,
Random r,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source,
Index<O> index,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes)
Selects k random elements from the given source. |
protected long[] |
AbstractIncrementalPivotSelector.selectUnique(int k,
Random r,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList source,
Index<O> index,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList excludes)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.pivots.bustos |
Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.bustos that throw OBStorageException | |
PivotResult |
AbstractIncrementalBustosNavarroChavez.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.pivots.dummy |
Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.dummy that throw OBStorageException | |
PivotResult |
IncrementalFixedPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
Index index)
PivotResult |
IncrementalDummyPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
IncrementalFixedPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index index)
PivotResult |
IncrementalDummyPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.pivots.kmeans.impl |
Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.kmeans.impl that throw OBStorageException | |
PivotResult |
IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorInt.generatePivots(int pivotsCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorFloat.generatePivots(int pivotsCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorLong.generatePivots(int pivotsCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorByte.generatePivots(int pivotsCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorDouble.generatePivots(int pivotsCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
IncrementalKMeansPPPivotSelectorShort.generatePivots(int pivotsCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.pivots.perm |
Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.perm that throw OBStorageException | |
PivotResult |
AbstractIncrementalPerm.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.pivots.random |
Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.random that throw OBStorageException | |
PivotResult |
RandomPivotSelector.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.pivots.rf02 |
Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.rf02 that throw OBStorageException | |
PivotResult |
RF02PivotSelectorShort.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
RF02PivotSelectorFloat.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotPairResult<O> |
AbstractIncrementalRF02.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount,
Index<O> index)
PivotPairResult<O> |
AbstractIncrementalRF02.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.pivots.rf03 |
Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.rf03 that throw OBStorageException | |
PivotResult |
RF03PivotSelectorShort.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
RF03PivotSelectorFloat.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
RF03PivotSelectorLong.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotPairResult<O> |
AbstractIncrementalRF03.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount,
Index<O> index)
PivotPairResult<O> |
AbstractIncrementalRF03.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.pivots.rf04 |
Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.rf04 that throw OBStorageException | |
PivotResult |
RF04PivotSelectorFloat.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
RF04PivotSelectorInt.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
RF04PivotSelectorShort.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotPairResult<O> |
AbstractIncrementalRF04.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount,
Index<O> index)
PivotPairResult<O> |
AbstractIncrementalRF04.generatePivotsPair(int pairCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.pivots.rf04.impl |
Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.rf04.impl that throw OBStorageException | |
PivotResult |
RF04PivotSelectorFloat.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
RF04PivotSelectorLong.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
RF04PivotSelectorDouble.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
RF04PivotSelectorShort.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
RF04PivotSelectorInt.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
PivotResult |
RF04PivotSelectorByte.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.pivots.sss |
Methods in net.obsearch.pivots.sss that throw OBStorageException | |
PivotResult |
AbstractMySSS.generatePivots(int pivotCount,
cern.colt.list.LongArrayList elements,
Index<O> index)
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.storage |
Methods in net.obsearch.storage that throw OBStorageException | |
void |
Closes the storage system. |
void |
Close the factory. |
OBStore<TupleBytes> |
OBStoreFactory.createOBStore(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
Creates a generic OBStore. |
OBStoreByte |
OBStoreFactory.createOBStoreByte(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
Creates an OBStoreByte whose key is based on bytes. |
OBStoreDouble |
OBStoreFactory.createOBStoreDouble(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
Creates an OBStoreDouble whose key is based on doubles. |
OBStoreFloat |
OBStoreFactory.createOBStoreFloat(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
Creates an OBStoreFloat whose key is based on floats. |
OBStoreInt |
OBStoreFactory.createOBStoreInt(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
Creates an OBStoreInt whose key is based on ints. |
OBStoreLong |
OBStoreFactory.createOBStoreLong(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
Creates an OBStoreLong whose key is based on longs. |
OBStoreShort |
OBStoreFactory.createOBStoreShort(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
Creates an OBStoreShort whose key is based on shorts. |
OperationStatus |
OBStoreByte.delete(byte key)
Deletes the given key and its corresponding value from the database. |
OperationStatus |
OBStore.delete(byte[] key)
Deletes the given key and its corresponding value from the database. |
OperationStatus |
OBStoreDouble.delete(double key)
Deletes the given key and its corresponding value from the database. |
OperationStatus |
OBStoreFloat.delete(float key)
Deletes the given key and its corresponding value from the database. |
OperationStatus |
OBStoreInt.delete(int key)
Deletes the given key and its corresponding value from the database. |
OperationStatus |
OBStoreLong.delete(long key)
Deletes the given key and its corresponding value from the database. |
OperationStatus |
OBStoreShort.delete(short key)
Deletes the given key and its corresponding value from the database. |
void |
Deletes all the items in the storage system. |
byte[] |
OBStoreByte.getValue(byte key)
Returns the associated value for the given key. |
byte[] |
OBStore.getValue(byte[] key)
Returns the associated value for the given key. |
byte[] |
OBStoreDouble.getValue(double key)
Returns the associated value for the given key. |
byte[] |
OBStoreFloat.getValue(float key)
Returns the associated value for the given key. |
byte[] |
OBStoreInt.getValue(int key)
Returns the associated value for the given key. |
byte[] |
OBStoreLong.getValue(long key)
Returns the associated value for the given key. |
byte[] |
OBStoreShort.getValue(short key)
Returns the associated value for the given key. |
long |
Returns the next id from the database (incrementing sequences). |
void |
Somehow optimizes the underlying storage representation. |
CloseIterator<T> |
Process all the elements in the DB. |
CloseIterator<TupleBytes> |
OBStore.processRange(byte[] low,
byte[] high)
Process the given range of items (from low to high), including low and high. |
CloseIterator<TupleByte> |
OBStoreByte.processRange(byte low,
byte high)
Process the given range of items (from low to high), including low and high. |
CloseIterator<TupleDouble> |
OBStoreDouble.processRange(double low,
double high)
Process the given range of items (from low to high), including low and high. |
CloseIterator<TupleFloat> |
OBStoreFloat.processRange(float low,
float high)
Process the given range of items (from low to high), including low and high. |
CloseIterator<TupleInt> |
OBStoreInt.processRange(int low,
int high)
Process the given range of items (from low to high), including low and high. |
CloseIterator<TupleLong> |
OBStoreLong.processRange(long low,
long high)
Process the given range of items (from low to high), including low and high. |
CloseIterator<TupleShort> |
OBStoreShort.processRange(short low,
short high)
Process the given range of items (from low to high), including low and high. |
CloseIterator<TupleBytes> |
OBStore.processRangeNoDup(byte[] low,
byte[] high)
Process the given range of items (from low to high), including low and high. |
CloseIterator<TupleBytes> |
OBStore.processRangeReverse(byte[] low,
byte[] high)
Process the given range of items (from high to low), including low and high. |
CloseIterator<TupleByte> |
OBStoreByte.processRangeReverse(byte low,
byte high)
Process the given range of items (from high to low), including low and high. |
CloseIterator<TupleDouble> |
OBStoreDouble.processRangeReverse(double low,
double high)
Process the given range of items (from high to low), including low and high. |
CloseIterator<TupleFloat> |
OBStoreFloat.processRangeReverse(float low,
float high)
Process the given range of items (from high to low), including low and high. |
CloseIterator<TupleInt> |
OBStoreInt.processRangeReverse(int low,
int high)
Process the given range of items (from high to low), including low and high. |
CloseIterator<TupleLong> |
OBStoreLong.processRangeReverse(long low,
long high)
Process the given range of items (from high to low), including low and high. |
CloseIterator<TupleShort> |
OBStoreShort.processRangeReverse(short low,
short high)
Process the given range of items (from high to low), including low and high. |
CloseIterator<TupleBytes> |
OBStore.processRangeReverseNoDup(byte[] low,
byte[] high)
Process the given range of items (from high to low), including low and high. |
OperationStatus |
OBStore.put(byte[] key,
byte[] value)
Inserts the key value pair. |
OperationStatus |
OBStoreByte.put(byte key,
byte[] value)
Inserts the key value pair. |
OperationStatus |
OBStoreDouble.put(double key,
byte[] value)
Inserts the key value pair. |
OperationStatus |
OBStoreFloat.put(float key,
byte[] value)
Inserts the key value pair. |
OperationStatus |
OBStoreInt.put(int key,
byte[] value)
Inserts the key value pair. |
OperationStatus |
OBStoreLong.put(long key,
byte[] value)
Inserts the key value pair. |
OperationStatus |
OBStoreShort.put(short key,
byte[] value)
Inserts the key value pair. |
void |
OBStoreFactory.removeOBStore(OBStore storage)
Removes all indexes and structures related to the given storage device. |
long |
Returns the number of elements in the database. |
Object |
Return a stats object that is to be printed |
static void |
StorageValidationByte.validate(OBStoreByte storage)
Validates a Storage for shorts. |
static void |
StorageValidationDouble.validate(OBStoreDouble storage)
Validates a Storage for shorts. |
static void |
StorageValidationFloat.validate(OBStoreFloat storage)
Validates a Storage for shorts. |
static void |
StorageValidationInt.validate(OBStoreInt storage)
Validates a Storage for shorts. |
static void |
StorageValidationLong.validate(OBStoreLong storage)
Validates a Storage for shorts. |
static void |
StorageValidationShort.validate(OBStoreShort storage)
Validates a Storage for shorts. |
static void |
StorageValidationByte.validateDuplicates(OBStoreByte storage)
Validates a Storage for shorts. |
static void |
StorageValidationDouble.validateDuplicates(OBStoreDouble storage)
Validates a Storage for shorts. |
static void |
StorageValidationFloat.validateDuplicates(OBStoreFloat storage)
Validates a Storage for shorts. |
static void |
StorageValidationInt.validateDuplicates(OBStoreInt storage)
Validates a Storage for shorts. |
static void |
StorageValidationLong.validateDuplicates(OBStoreLong storage)
Validates a Storage for shorts. |
static void |
StorageValidationShort.validateDuplicates(OBStoreShort storage)
Validates a Storage for shorts. |
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.storage.bdb |
Methods in net.obsearch.storage.bdb that throw OBStorageException | |
void |
void |
OBStore<TupleBytes> |
BDBFactoryJe.createOBStore(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
OBStoreByte |
BDBFactoryJe.createOBStoreByte(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
OBStoreDouble |
BDBFactoryJe.createOBStoreDouble(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
OBStoreFloat |
BDBFactoryJe.createOBStoreFloat(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
OBStoreInt |
BDBFactoryJe.createOBStoreInt(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
OBStoreLong |
BDBFactoryJe.createOBStoreLong(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
OBStoreShort |
BDBFactoryJe.createOBStoreShort(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
OperationStatus |
BDBOBStoreJeByte.delete(byte key)
OperationStatus |
AbstractBDBOBStoreJe.delete(byte[] key)
OperationStatus |
BDBOBStoreJeDouble.delete(double key)
OperationStatus |
BDBOBStoreJeFloat.delete(float key)
OperationStatus |
BDBOBStoreJeInt.delete(int key)
OperationStatus |
BDBOBStoreJeLong.delete(long key)
OperationStatus |
BDBOBStoreJeShort.delete(short key)
void |
byte[] |
BDBOBStoreJeByte.getValue(byte key)
byte[] |
AbstractBDBOBStoreJe.getValue(byte[] key)
byte[] |
BDBOBStoreJeDouble.getValue(double key)
byte[] |
BDBOBStoreJeFloat.getValue(float key)
byte[] |
BDBOBStoreJeInt.getValue(int key)
byte[] |
BDBOBStoreJeLong.getValue(long key)
byte[] |
BDBOBStoreJeShort.getValue(short key)
long |
Returns the next id from the database (incrementing sequences). |
CloseIterator<TupleDouble> |
CloseIterator<TupleByte> |
CloseIterator<TupleShort> |
CloseIterator<TupleLong> |
CloseIterator<TupleFloat> |
CloseIterator<TupleBytes> |
CloseIterator<TupleInt> |
CloseIterator<byte[]> |
Transform Bytes in a format that can be used by the underlying index. |
CloseIterator<TupleBytes> |
AbstractBDBOBStoreJe.processRange(byte[] low,
byte[] high)
CloseIterator<TupleByte> |
BDBOBStoreJeByte.processRange(byte low,
byte high)
CloseIterator<TupleDouble> |
BDBOBStoreJeDouble.processRange(double low,
double high)
CloseIterator<TupleFloat> |
BDBOBStoreJeFloat.processRange(float low,
float high)
CloseIterator<TupleInt> |
BDBOBStoreJeInt.processRange(int low,
int high)
CloseIterator<TupleLong> |
BDBOBStoreJeLong.processRange(long low,
long high)
CloseIterator<TupleShort> |
BDBOBStoreJeShort.processRange(short low,
short high)
CloseIterator<TupleBytes> |
AbstractBDBOBStoreJe.processRangeNoDup(byte[] low,
byte[] high)
CloseIterator<TupleByte> |
BDBOBStoreJeByte.processRangeNoDup(byte low,
byte high)
CloseIterator<TupleDouble> |
BDBOBStoreJeDouble.processRangeNoDup(double low,
double high)
CloseIterator<TupleFloat> |
BDBOBStoreJeFloat.processRangeNoDup(float low,
float high)
CloseIterator<TupleInt> |
BDBOBStoreJeInt.processRangeNoDup(int low,
int high)
CloseIterator<TupleLong> |
BDBOBStoreJeLong.processRangeNoDup(long low,
long high)
CloseIterator<TupleShort> |
BDBOBStoreJeShort.processRangeNoDup(short low,
short high)
CloseIterator<TupleBytes> |
AbstractBDBOBStoreJe.processRangeReverse(byte[] low,
byte[] high)
CloseIterator<TupleByte> |
BDBOBStoreJeByte.processRangeReverse(byte low,
byte high)
CloseIterator<TupleDouble> |
BDBOBStoreJeDouble.processRangeReverse(double low,
double high)
CloseIterator<TupleFloat> |
BDBOBStoreJeFloat.processRangeReverse(float low,
float high)
CloseIterator<TupleInt> |
BDBOBStoreJeInt.processRangeReverse(int low,
int high)
CloseIterator<TupleLong> |
BDBOBStoreJeLong.processRangeReverse(long low,
long high)
CloseIterator<TupleShort> |
BDBOBStoreJeShort.processRangeReverse(short low,
short high)
CloseIterator<TupleBytes> |
AbstractBDBOBStoreJe.processRangeReverseNoDup(byte[] low,
byte[] high)
CloseIterator<TupleByte> |
BDBOBStoreJeByte.processRangeReverseNoDup(byte low,
byte high)
CloseIterator<TupleDouble> |
BDBOBStoreJeDouble.processRangeReverseNoDup(double low,
double high)
CloseIterator<TupleFloat> |
BDBOBStoreJeFloat.processRangeReverseNoDup(float low,
float high)
CloseIterator<TupleInt> |
BDBOBStoreJeInt.processRangeReverseNoDup(int low,
int high)
CloseIterator<TupleLong> |
BDBOBStoreJeLong.processRangeReverseNoDup(long low,
long high)
CloseIterator<TupleShort> |
BDBOBStoreJeShort.processRangeReverseNoDup(short low,
short high)
OperationStatus |
AbstractBDBOBStoreJe.put(byte[] key,
byte[] value)
OperationStatus |
BDBOBStoreJeByte.put(byte key,
byte[] value)
OperationStatus |
BDBOBStoreJeDouble.put(double key,
byte[] value)
OperationStatus |
BDBOBStoreJeFloat.put(float key,
byte[] value)
OperationStatus |
BDBOBStoreJeInt.put(int key,
byte[] value)
OperationStatus |
BDBOBStoreJeLong.put(long key,
byte[] value)
OperationStatus |
BDBOBStoreJeShort.put(short key,
byte[] value)
OperationStatus |
AbstractBDBOBStoreJe.putIfNew(byte[] key,
byte[] value)
void |
BDBFactoryJe.removeOBStore(OBStore storage)
long |
Object |
Constructors in net.obsearch.storage.bdb that throw OBStorageException | |
AbstractBDBOBStoreJe.ByteArrayIterator(byte[] min,
byte[] max)
AbstractBDBOBStoreJe.ByteArrayIterator(byte[] min,
byte[] max,
boolean full,
boolean backwardsMode,
boolean dups)
Creates a cursor iterator in full mode. |
AbstractBDBOBStoreJe.CursorIterator(byte[] min,
byte[] max)
AbstractBDBOBStoreJe.CursorIterator(byte[] min,
byte[] max,
boolean full,
boolean backwards,
boolean dups)
BDBFactoryJe(File directory)
Creates a new factory that will be based in the given directory. |
Uses of OBStorageException in net.obsearch.storage.tc |
Methods in net.obsearch.storage.tc that throw OBStorageException | |
void |
void |
OBStore<TupleBytes> |
TCFactory.createOBStore(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
OBStoreByte |
TCFactory.createOBStoreByte(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
OBStoreDouble |
TCFactory.createOBStoreDouble(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
OBStoreFloat |
TCFactory.createOBStoreFloat(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
OBStoreInt |
TCFactory.createOBStoreInt(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
OBStoreLong |
TCFactory.createOBStoreLong(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
OBStoreShort |
TCFactory.createOBStoreShort(String name,
OBStorageConfig config)
OperationStatus |
AbstractTCOBStorage.delete(byte[] key)
OperationStatus |
TCOBStorageLong.delete(long key)
void |
byte[] |
AbstractTCOBStorage.getValue(byte[] key)
byte[] |
TCOBStorageLong.getValue(long key)
long |
Returns the next id from the database (incrementing sequences). |
void |
CloseIterator<TupleBytes> |
CloseIterator<TupleLong> |
CloseIterator<byte[]> |
CloseIterator<TupleBytes> |
AbstractTCOBStorage.processRange(byte[] low,
byte[] high)
CloseIterator<TupleBytes> |
AbstractTCOBStorage.processRangeNoDup(byte[] low,
byte[] high)
CloseIterator<TupleLong> |
TCOBStorageLong.processRangeNoDup(long low,
long high)
CloseIterator<TupleBytes> |
AbstractTCOBStorage.processRangeReverse(byte[] low,
byte[] high)
CloseIterator<TupleLong> |
TCOBStorageLong.processRangeReverse(long low,
long high)
CloseIterator<TupleBytes> |
AbstractTCOBStorage.processRangeReverseNoDup(byte[] low,
byte[] high)
CloseIterator<TupleLong> |
TCOBStorageLong.processRangeReverseNoDup(long low,
long high)
OperationStatus |
AbstractTCOBStorage.put(byte[] key,
byte[] value)
OperationStatus |
TCOBStorageLong.put(long key,
byte[] value)
OperationStatus |
AbstractTCOBStorage.putIfNew(byte[] key,
byte[] value)
void |
TCFactory.removeOBStore(OBStore storage)
long |
Object |
Constructors in net.obsearch.storage.tc that throw OBStorageException | |
AbstractTCOBStorage(String name,
tokyocabinet.DBM db,
OBStoreFactory fact,
OBStorageConfig storageConf)
Builds a new Storage system by receiving a Berkeley DB database. |
TCOBStorageBytesArray(String name,
tokyocabinet.DBM db,
OBStoreFactory fact,
OBStorageConfig conf)
Builds a new Storage system by receiving a Berkeley DB database. |
TCOBStorageLong(String name,
tokyocabinet.DBM db,
OBStoreFactory fact,
OBStorageConfig storageConf)
Builds a new Storage system by receiving a Berkeley DB database that uses longs as a primary indexing method. |